Meeting The Goblins

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Rimuru and his family is currently just walking at the path where rimuru met those goblins before, "i can't believe that made in the forest like this.." said azusa while looking around, " are build a kingdom from this forest" shalsha said with a bit of amazement

'yeah, i know i'm amazing...i mean who expecting that once dangerous forest can turn into the most advance country in the world' rimuru thought while feeling proud as he heard his wife and daughter keep praising him, rimuru right now is walking in his human form while releasing the same amount of aura as he did in the past

Then, here come the fateful encounter with the goblins, "oh..strong one! Pl-please help us!" Rigur said while leading a bunch of feeble goblins bowing down to us, my family except veldora who is reading the manga got curious as to who is this

I explain to them that this is commander rigur and all of that going to happen from now, "ah!..right sure, lead us to your village" i said to the goblins, the goblins just nodded and ask us to follow them, i talked to rigurd and rigur that i'm going to help them in exchange for they allegiance, they agree immediately

Azusa and the others is at another tent doing their things, while i going to heal the injured goblins, after done with all the stuff, i order the goblins to set up a wooden fence and prepare for the wolf attack, then we just need to wait until tonight

While waiting, rimuru is heading toward azusa and the others tent, "ah..danna-sama, welcome" said azusa, the twins and veldora doesn't even notice me as they were too immersed reading the manga, "ranga gonna come tonight, so i still got something to do"i said to azusa as i take a seat beside her

"Have you introduce us to the goblins?" Ask azusa, "yeah, but i still keep veldora identity secret except from that i has told them that you guys are my family" i replied

"Then..take a good rest" said azusa while offering her lap, "thank you.." i said and lay my head down to her lap


The night has come, rimuru and the goblins is on standby to receive the puppies, rimuru is using the same string traps as he did in the past, the wolfs keep attacking until the leader come and guess what? He stupidly got caught

"Then your end has come it seems.."rimuru said without a shred of emotion, he just slice the leader off, rimuru right now is in his human form so that's why the leader is underestimating him more than he did when rimuru is a slime

Rimuru then release a bit of his aura, "submit or die!" The remaining wolf as expected chose to submit, azusa and the twins is of course...witnessing all of these

After the sun has arise, rimuru ask all of the goblins and wolfs gathered and give them their names, unlike before rimuru does not fall asleep this time, according to the past rimuru suppose go to dwargon three days from now, so he use this to spend time with his family

"We already got who is next danna-sama?" Ask azusa excitedly, "right...after this, i'm going to dwargon then we will meet........" Rimuru then abruptly turn silent after he remember something

Azusa got curios as to why rimuru suddenly stopped talking, as she about to ask again she see ....a tear in rimuru cheeks, she stop her intention to ask rimuru and just look at him, "danna-sama..?" She call rimuru

", yeah right..we gonna meet kaijin and the three dwarf brother after this" rimuru swiftly wipe the tears and answer azusa with a smile

'seriously...after dwargon, what happen?' azusa got immensely curious as she never once saw her husband let out a tears, this is the first

"Ah..azusa, i have something to do, i will meet you later" said rimuru then he slowly heading out, rimuru has no actual direction as he keep walking in the forest, then he see something...suspicious?

"No no no!! You do it like this! KAMEHAME...HA!!!!"

"Owhh!! As expected master!!"

" I admire you"

"Right?? Kuahahaha!!" 

Yep, veldora is teaching the twins a move from the holy scripture, rimuru just stand there observing those three behavior, he smiled slightly

Meanwhile azusa who is still in tent, is still confused about her husband expression earlier, 'why does danna-sama tearing up? This is weird..' azusa keep racking her brain as she try to remember if any of rimuru subordinates ever mention something, but nothing come to mind

'is...danna-sama gonna lose someone important to him?' she thought for a while and gave up

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