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After milim arrive, a lot has happen, phobio scouting, fuze visit and champion youm declaration all of that has been deal well, regarding diplomatic relation azusa is the one who handled it this time, azusa said that this will be a great experience for her as well, so rimuru just let her do as she pleases

Rimuru right now is in his home as usual, 'charybdis attack will soon come..' rimuru thought while sipping his tea, 'should i summon diablo right now? No, it will be a great change in timeline if i do so'  rimuru indeed has more than enough power even if the timeline change, but the purpose of rimuru and his family came here is too witness the history of tempest

'this getting Now i think about it, the one who instigated phobio is those clowns right?' rimuru indeed right, as he is thinking about this now footman and tear is already met with phobio, rimuru decided to just let those clown go, as phobio will be a reason that tempest has diplomatic relation with eurazania in the first place

And just like that one day has passed, rimuru door suddenly burst open, "Rimuru! We caught a big prey today!" Milim come and hug rimuru who is in his slime form, "milim-chan is indeed helpful" eren who also come said so, "right!? Let's go see it together, brother!" Milim said as she dragging rimuru out

"Milim, have you seen azusa?" Rimuru asked, "she is in the office as usual-noda!" Milim replied, rimuru just sigh, rimuru knows that his daughters is roaming the forest so rimuru wouldn't bother asking milim

After rimuru arrive, milim and rimuru suddenly feel an evil presence, rimuru turn into his human form while milim immediately stand in front of rimuru, "please wait, i'm not an enemy my name trya, treyni little sister" then trya show herself eren, kaval and gido got shocked but quickly calm down

"So, what's the matter?" Rimuru asked, "i here to inform you, the ruler of monster rimuru tempest- sama, charybdis has been revived" rimuru who heard this just nodded his head, rimuru then asked trya to come with him to the meeting meeting room, 'ranga are you here?' rimuru asked, 'yes! Master!' ranga immediately replied, 'good, then call all the executive to the meeting room, now!' ranga just lower his head and dive into the shadow

A few hours later, all the executive has present, including azusa and the twins, rimuru then briefly explained the situasion, in the past rimur request a help from fuze to evacuate the citizens in case he  will lose, but not this time, rimuru has appointed azusa as last defense but executives just rebuke it, since they don't think azusa can handle charybdis and they worry about her safety

Azusa hearing this immediately stand, "don't worry, with danna-sama and you guys fighting charybdis, i don't think charybdis will reach here...i trust you guys" azusa said to all the executives, "but azusa-sama, in case-" before benimaru could finish his word, azusa cut it, "have some faith in me, even though i don't think you all will lose to some flying fish...but in worst case i will evacuate the citizens myself, so go for it"

After azusa said so, all the executives let out a fearless smile, "in that case, wait for our victory azusa-sama!" Benimaru said, "i leave the town to you azusa, now you guys, let's greet our enemy!" As rimuru said so, benimaru and others immediately the preparations, after all done, rimuru who is in the front gate with all the executive ready to depart

Azusa who standing at the gate with the twins and thousand of tempest citizens behind her kneel down, "We pray for your victorious return, My King!" Azusa said while still on her knee, ""We pray for your victorious return, My King!"" All the citizens follow suit azusa

"Got it!" Rimuru replied with simple words and depart with the executives, even though azusa is rimuru wife and tempest queen, in public rimuru authority is absolute as the king, azusa and the twins understand this and don't even hesitate to kneel down, azusa principle is to separate between personal life and the royalty life, in other word outside the tempest household, azusa is rimuru loyal servant and nothing more

Rimuru and others has arrived at designated location, as they waiting for charybdis arrival, and at the exact same moment except for rimuru and milim, all the executives feel immense pressure from the sky, "here it come!" benimaru shout alerting others, rimuru who knows that charybdis actually come to milim, just keep quiet and let his subordinates to fight it first

Benimaru without hesitation cast his magic to one of the megalodon, "[Hell Flare] !" But unfortunately, only single megalodon who fall down, "tch, it's more tough than i expected" benimaru grumble, while the orcs that lead by geld is baiting one of the megalodons to come to the ground, geld is ready yo stop  the megolodon movement, but when geld caught it all his comrades is injured and incapable to attack it

"Now..what should i do" geld said slowly, "leave it to me! [Vortex Crush] !!] " A shout come from the sky, and a trident pierce through megalodon head, instantly killed it, "thank you, gabiru-dono" geld said, "no worries, we are comrades after all" gabiru replied

While in goblins rider side, hakurou has already cut the megalodon to pieces, leaving only four megalodons in the sky, souka then fly above the megalodons head, making a shadow to souei to teleport, " [Nerve Strings]" souei said slowly and control the megalodon to bite another megalodons, "woah souei...that's cheap" rimuru mutter slowly, "now it's our  turn!! Let's go ranga!" Shion shout as she is riding ranga to the other two megalodons, " [Beheading Demon Blade] !!" Shion immediately split the megalodon into two, while ranga shot down another one

"Come on! Bring the injured to me!" Shuna who is treating the injured soldier is also trying her best, and now all the megalodons has been killed, after a moment rimuru sense that Charybdis ready to unleash his skill, rimuru immediately warn souei, shion and ranga to get away, but it was too late

"It's too many..!! I can't dodge all of them!" Souei said as he trying to avoid charybdis scales, "only weakling is dodging!" Shion said as she parried most  of the scales with her blade, after they having conversation, three of them is ready to charge toward the charybdis, but rimuru suddenly appear before them

"Rimuru-sama!" Shion shout, "Rimuru-sama, quickly get behind me!!" Souei also shouting as he saw rimuru, "you guys are such a fool, at this moment you should rely on me you know?" Rimuru said with a smile on his face

"Now, take a good look to my power" rimuru said with full of confident

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