Two Girls

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While azusa and the others is busy attending walpurgis, luminous who saw hinata's bored expression have her a permission to leave first

As expected hinata just nodded and left.

She originally thought to go straight back to ruberious, but then she change her mind and went to visit rimuru first

'maybe i could have a chat with him a little longer this time since golden witch is attending the walpurgis'

As she mutter that in her heart, she let out a sweet smile unknowingly

'------yeah, i need to talk to him. This is regarding the war after all. Yes, the war'

She then quicken her pace toward rimuru's house


"So are you sure everything is alright?"

"Um, thanks for taking care of me rimuru-san"

Rimuru just smile lightly as he received chloe gratitude, chloe currently seemingly has fused with chronoa and inherit all the pieces of her memories

Of course, for rimuru that's a good thing. But it's not for chloe, since she has received all the memories from chronoa, her feeling for rimuru has dramatically grown

Thus, making her harder to accept the current situation.

The image of rimuru who saved her multiple times from dangers to the point of sacrificing himself is vivid in chloe mind

'it's a good enough that rimuru-san is safe this time. I shouldn't be greedy for more'

Chloe thought while her beautiful eyes sunken a little

Chloe who is now is in her adult form possess a beauty comparable to the gods, but still-----in rimuru eyes she is not more than one of his precious students

To chloe shocked, rimuru hand is on top of her head while gently caressing her hair

"It's a good thing that you okay chloe. Please don't push yourself too hard"

The tone that full of kindness making her heart skip a beat and change her face color to that of tomatoes

"--------it's not fair, rimuru-san."

"Hm? What's wrong?"


Rimuru on the other hand is completely aware of chloe's feeling, but still for him a gentle pat in the head is nothing to be shy about

After all, they both are just teacher and student.

<<-------i sensed a disturbance in the force>>

'it's just your imagination ciel'

After a while, rimuru then heard something from outside of his house

He then went to the door a opened it. Surprisingly, hinata is standing in front of the door with sharp glare

"You're so late for just opening the door. Don't just think you can keep lazing off while we are in state of war"

Hinata said with cold tone and proceed to enter the house. Rimuru just smiled bitterly without replying to hinata

'i mean------i can keep lazing off whenever i want. I'm the strongest after all'

Rimuru of course not stupid enough to say this outloud, or the situation might be escalated

Hinata who went to the guest room immediately set her eyes on chloe who is sitting on the sofa

"-----ah, so you're here chloe"

"Um, it's been a long time hinata-san"

Even though there's no change on hinata's expression, deep in her heart a slight dissapoiment can clearly be seen

'there goes my time with rimuru'

Hinata thought while taking a seat.

Soon, rimuru also arrived an just about to take a seat, but hinata abruptly stop him

"Is this how you treat your guest? I need my tea"

Rimuru let out a sigh

"Sigh----as you wish milady"

Rimuru then went to the kitchen

While rimuru is busy making a tea, chloe suddenly speak up to hinata

"If i guess hinata-san correct, you came here to spend time with rimuru-san right?"

This sudden question making hinata turn red and flustered immediately, but somehow she managed to keep her cool

"I-i-it's not like that! I just want-"

"Give up. There's zero chance for you and me. It's useless to clinging into your feeling."

Hinata then turn slightly shocked after hearing chloe's words, but chloe still continue

"Neither you or me is meant to be with him. I don't know about hinata-san, but for me it's as if we are bothering him with my feeling. I hope i can erase it or at least forget about it. But------but i just can't!!"

Chloe eyes began to slightly teary.


Hinata shout while holding chloe's shoulder and forced her to sit straight

"But you haven't try it yet right! We don't know what his answer gonna be yet! Don't give up pathetically like this!"


"But what?! You love him don't you! So do i! But seeing you like this broke my heart as well, so please chloe.......stay strong!"

Hinata words seem to have effect to chloe as she began to calm down

"---thank you hinata-san, i hope for the best for both of us!"

Hinata then smiled

"Yes! That's more like it!"

Meanwhile, rimuru who is busy making a tea suddenly heard his wife muttering

<<-----i sensed a disturbance on the force once again>>

'sigh, like i said it's just your-'

<<And i'm suddenly filled with intent to kill>>


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