Primordial Demons

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After rimuru ordered ranga to take the king and the archbishop back to tempest rimuru then slowly walk to the razen as rimuru know razen is still alive, rimuru then without saying anything teleported razen to the tempest, "ciel, make sure to specifically called for jaune, blanc and violet and as for noir....well don't bother about him" rimuru said to ciel

<On it!>

Ciel then use earth spirit magic to extract the most outstanding mineral from the ground and shaping it into the shape of skeleton, "owhh! Isn't this orichalcum? That's great ciel!" Rimuru who seeing four of orichalcum skeleton placed before him got excited and praised ciel

<Fufufufu, of course! I'm master first wife after all~>

"Yeah, and by the way when are you gonna introduce yourself to azusa?" Rimuru casually asked while modifying the skeletons

<Em? I will do that later>

"Really? You have been saying that since we are still on azusa world you know?"

<It's true, i think it's time anyway to tell her that i'm actually master first wife, and beside that i have a surprised for her since she always take care of my master, of course i'm still take care of master more>

"Hahaha! Now that i think about it you are always have been with me, thank you ciel"

<Master you need to stop being so sentimental, serving you is my purposed of existence, you are always my beloved master>

"Hm? So who are being sentimental right now huh?"

< look like you are done, let's just summon them>

"Well the same old usual technique when ciel-sensei lost an argument, alright let's do this" after rimuru said that, rimuru seemed to hear ciel protest but rimuru decided to ignore it and summon the demons, "i've prepared the food, all the bodies here will be a payment! Oh demon from below! I summon you, get out here and be a use to me!" As rimuru rimuru chant, four pillar of black smoke erupted in the battlefield while sucking all the soldiers corpses that lying around

"Hm, quite an impressive sacrifice"

"Eh? Why are you here blanc!"

"You two are here as well? I thought it was only me and noir"

"Shut up all of you! We are still in front of the great being!"

The four demons who are out immediately arguing with each other, only noir immediately bow down to rimuru, "heh? So you are the one calling us here huh?" Jaune said to rimuru with ridicule tone, "it's quite arrogant don't you think? To summon all four remaining primordials at once, who do you think you are?" Blanc said while smiling, but her eyes are not showing any sign of friendliness, "you better have a good reason or it will not end well to you" violet said with sadistic smile

Rimuru then ignore the three of them and walk toward diablo who is the only one kneeling, "tell me your desire noir" rimuru said with gentle tone, "Please let me join your ranks as the most loyal, humble servant" noir said with a reverence on his eyes, 'it's no good, this guy is wayyyy more worse than in the past' rimuru thought, "if that what you want then, so be it" rimuru then point to the orichalcum skeletons that he made a while ago, "use that as your body, it is a top quality material made by myself for you, use it well"

"Ahh!! Even such as i'm, receiving the great being blessing! I will use it well my lord" noir said and slowly approach the skeleton and immediately inhabitated it with care, the three demons who was getting ignore earlier grow irritated as they never have been ignore to this extent, "you dare!!" Jaune shout in angry and immediately fired her nuclear magic toward rimuru, rimuru just stand in place and too the attack head on, then rimuru walk to the three demons without a scratch, "..huh?!" Jaune got shocked and confused at the same time as the one who got hit by her magic never survived

"Isn't it too boring in underworld? Repeating the same game again and again? Come with me demons, from now on you will never cease of excitement" rimuru gently said as he lend out his hand to the demons, "that's quite interesting proposal...but-" before blanc could finish her word, rimuru quickly show them a fragment of his power, rimuru let out and aura that strong enough to cause a earthquake for the entire forest jura while the aura also piercing the sky that make it seems limitless

"But..what?" Rimuru said that while slowly smile, the three demons seeing this feel an immediate shiver down to their core, but weirdly enough they are not afraid, but only an excitement could on their smiling expression, ' i don't feel it before, but this aura...this being! He is the only one who could shake me like this...ahh, answering the summon is my greatest and correct choice in my entire life!' blanc thought while slowly kneel while still shivering

'this power! How fool of me to make fun of this being! This being is no one and only master, the one i give my life for!' jaune thought while kneeling and looking at rimuru as if she is looking at the most supreme god

'..beautiful, it's so beautiful!! Oh my beautiful master, this demon is foolish enough to look at you in the eyes earlier, The most beautiful master is the most i could hope for' violet thought and she too is kneeling with full of respect and reverence toward rimuru

Meanwhile rimuru who has been reading their thought, ' me, ciel'

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