To Lose Control

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The name slips off his tongue as desperation lingers in his tone. His fiery pupils frantically search his proximity for the blue ragdoll, only to find no sight of her. He drops his focus on scaring entirely. The flames and straw on his body vanish within thin air as he returns to his skeletal form. He rushes to the path where he last saw her, turning his skull quickly to search the area in despair. He's using all of his senses at this point - intently listening for any sign of her.

He's interrupted by the sound of a whimper. Like someone's crying. Cautiously, he approaches the direction it comes from while concealing himself from nearby humans. He finds a figure hunched behind a tree, cradling themselves in a fetal position while hiding their face. It doesn't take him long to recognize his dearest friend, from her auburn hair to her blue, stitched skin. She doesn't notice him. The stitched smile on his lips falls as she continues to cry.


She makes a startled noise. He pauses for a second, thinking she's relieved to find him - but that's far from the truth. At the sight of the skeleton, she starts moving away from him. This gesture pains him. He takes a step closer, only to find her scooting back further. He eventually stops and places a worried hand on his hip, leaning down to meet her eye level. His face is sympathetic.

"What happened!? I heard you scream, and I-"

"P-Pl-ease take me back...."

Her voice cracks as the sobs leave her mouth. He feels an unbearable cold sensation in his ribs. He slowly stands and offers his hand. She's hesitant to take it, and only does so to help her to her feet. She withdraws right away and Jack feels like his phantom heart is split into two. He says nothing as he leads them to the graveyard - worryingly eying his dearest friend as he does so. He wishes he knew what to say at this moment.

"I..." He opens his mouth but falls short. She doesn't seem to be listening, looking everywhere else but him.

It isn't long before they return to the Mayor's unattended hearse. The ragdoll mutters her next words. "I think I need some time alone...."

He doesn't want to leave her, but has no choice. "....If you say so..."

She lets herself into the passenger seat, concealing her face after rolling the window up. Jack watches her speechlessly, coming to the door to press his skull against it and listen. He can hear the same cries from before. He feels his bones throb the longer it ensues. He thinks of opening up and inviting himself in - wanting to speak with her, asking what's wrong...but he doesn't want to invade her privacy, as much as it hurts him otherwise. He sighs before removing himself from the door.

He places a stressed hand on his head, pacing in the graveyard. 'She can't take long.....I hope she doesn't...I need to find out what's going on...'

"Hey, Jack! How's the scarin' going?"

The Pumpkin King freezes after hearing a voice. He turns on his heel and finds other monsters approaching him with grins and howls. This is when he does something he's become rather talented at - he puts up his usual front; the same one he used before, during stressful times like these.

"Just horrible, my fine gentleman!" He replies through a forced smile. "You should have seen how many humans I've frightened tonight..! How is it going for you all?"

"We're having so much fun! Everyone's on edge. It's awful!" The Wolfman replies eagerly, smelling the fresh dirt in the air.

"Say, wasn't Sally with you?" A ghoul inquires as he steps forward, looking around for the ragdoll. "Where is she?"

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