Boogie's Boys

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It's early in the morning when the crowing of a skeletal rooster makes it to Jack's bedroom. The Pumpkin King throws his pillow over his skull in an attempt to deafen the noise. A few seconds pass before a bright light seeps into the room, the pumpkin sun rising in the sky outside. The skeleton groans when it hits his eye sockets. He mentally swears at himself for forgetting to close the curtains last night, and aggravatingly turns on his other side to avoid the window. His eyes snap open when he finds a face a few inches away from his own.


His frame freezes at the sight. His gaze is locked on her closed eyes, her slightly parted lips, and her breathing figure moving and falling by the second. A smile grows on his face. He remembers all about last night. The proposal to move his ragdoll into his room...rightfully sharing his bed together. He moves the fallen strands of hair from her face. This notion catches her attention and her eyes slowly flutter open.

"Good morning." He greets softly, cradling her face in one of his large hands. She looks surprised before relaxing her shoulders.

"Good morning..."

The air around them is peaceful. She recalls feeling like this on her first morning in the Skellington Manor. Except now she has the pleasure of waking right next to her skeleton man. He leaves a kiss on her lips, brushing her hair to the side before sitting up in bed. She follows his movements and lets out a small yawn. He notices this and tilts his skull.

"You can sleep in, if you'd like."

She shakes her head. "No, it's alright."

Something stirs. Zero shakes his head from his doggy bed before peering around the bedroom. He levitates and meets with the eyes of his master and Sally. The ghost dog joins them and nuzzles their sides excitedly.

Jack chuckles as he pats his small head. "Good morning to you, Zero!"

Some more movement comes from the floor before a black figure jumps onto the edge of the bed. Ophelia tiredly blinks her yellow eyes, running along the blankets to meet with her owner. Sally coos when she jumps into her lap and nestles into her arm.

"Good morning, Ophelia.."

The Pumpkin King leaves the bed and approaches the windows, moving the curtains so the sun completely envelops the room. He moves to his dresser and searches his drawers for his clothes. The others watch him intently. Sally rubs her eyes as she adjusts to the light in the room.

"Did you sleep well, dearest?" The skeleton asks, pulling her from her thoughts.

She nods. "Terrible!"

"I'm glad to hear. I wanted our first night together to be perfectly unpleasant!"

He moves behind the screen to start dressing himself. He hears his beloved leave the bed after a few minutes and passes right through the door. The pitter-patters of her cat follow behind, and he can hear Zero's tag chiming down the stairs. When he's fully dressed, the sound of sizzling comes from the kitchen. She must be making breakfast already!

He grins to himself, elated with everything so far. He'll spend the rest of the morning moving her things and properly making his space into theirs. He's already cleared time in his schedule to do it. He's more than excited by the time he rushes down the stairs to meet with Sally, kissing her neck once or twice while she stands over the stove cooking food.

The sound of her giggles brings delight to his bones.

. . .

The nights go on, as do the mornings. They've moved past what happened on Halloween night. Jack's favorite parts are waking up next to her. He rises earlier than usual to watch her form next to his - sleeping peacefully, auburn hair messily strewn over her face and the pillows, looking like the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his death. He listens to her small breaths in this time until she wakes, and he greets her with a kiss.

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