The Big News

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"I can't wait to see you again."

How true those words ring in his skull....he's only said them a few minutes ago, yet they still hold so much meaning. The Pumpkin King briskly makes his way into Halloween Town after passing through the gates of his home. His stride is confident and he wears his usual, outstretched smile as he passes by his citizens. It's almost second nature for him to greet anyone who addresses him, and execute it all in a chipper manner. That has always been a habit of his, but this time, there is no underlying sadness he is attempting to conceal. The way he presents himself feels...more true, now, to how he's always wanted to be. And he only has Sally to thank for that.

He feels particularly happy as he approaches the Town Hall, and opens the doors eagerly to get inside.

It was only a week ago that Jack had been hesitant to do something like this. He recalls spending a long time pacing around his study, wondering how exactly to break this news. He knew the situation was complex from the start - to his people, he's always been seen as a bachelor. That's why he's had so many women around him before, many of whom treated him with the upmost admiration and even coquetry. But he always had a 'thing' for his personal space, and never quite expressed interest in eligibility to those who imposed themselves on him. It rather gave him a sour taste in his mouth, just thinking about it...

'But things are different now. Oh, so different...'

He knows there will be disappointment. Outrage, maybe. For those who have endlessly asked for him before - all, in which, he politely declined. But now Jack Skellington knows he's in love, fallen skull-over-heels for the Mad Scientist's creation. Sally is the sweetest, most caring person he has ever known in a long time. He has great expectations that the town will see the same things in her, and come to appreciate her for them as well. It's because of this self-assurance he is able to stroll backstage with anticipation, scanning the room in search for his coworker so they can get things started immediately.

He finds the politician at his desk, scribbling away mindlessly as he always is. The skeleton clears his throat as he approaches him, hoping his sudden appearance won't end in frantic interrogation. The Mayor jumps at the sound and whips his head towards the source of the noise. His face clicks to the side wearing a grin. He happily hops down to meet with the man below. The first thing he does is reach out to shake his hands - the usual greeting they shared every time they worked together.

"Jack! I was so worried when you didn't come in first thing this morning. I was hoping you'd come around before I'd have to find you myself!"

"Thank you for that, Mayor. I apologize for not meeting with you. There are a few things I need to tell you..."

The shorter man perks up. "Oh? And what would that be?"

He lets go of the smaller hand and cocks his skull to the side. "You see, I had an epiphany the other day with the Halloween planning! The citizens must know of my ideas as soon as they can. I need to know what they think before I start arranging anything. Would you mind calling for a town meeting immediately?"

"-Immediately!? Why, this must be important! Very important, indeed!"

He runs over back to his desk and grabs the megaphone sitting atop. Jack grins as he watches him rush out of the room, presumably to get to his hearse as soon as he can. The skeleton tugs at his sleeves as he mentally works through how he will execute this meeting. How he will break the news, and ensure it's in a way that won't put Sally or himself at risk. He may have to actually come up with a genius Halloween idea, but that wasn't very difficult. What else the meeting is going to be about, however, certainly will be.

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