Her First Night

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Hello! Before you read this story, I highly recommend you check out the source story, Two Dearest Friends, which you can read here: https://www.wattpad.com/696854514-two-dearest-friends-a-tour


The Skellington manor has only housed 2 residents for most of its existence.

The 3-story mansion equipped with a large observatory has only sheltered Jack Skellington and his ghostly pet, Zero. It comes to no surprise that the house isn't expecting the softer pair of footsteps one fateful afternoon. The moment Sally Finklestein steps into the Pumpkin King's manor, there's an audible groan that sounds from the floor, accompanied by the walls making sudden, sharp creaks. The ragdoll freezes. As her foot lingers longer on the surface, the noises stop and she listens to the silence. She turns to the skeleton watching from the doorway, not knowing how to express the right confusion from such a situation.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asks, her voice quiet and polite as usual. Jack shakes his skull and approaches one of the walls, patting it a couple of times.

"No, of course not. The house needs to....get used to you, is all."

She remembers the time he invited her in for tea, but doesn't recall anything peculiar. "It didn't make those noises last time I was here."

"It understands the difference between a guest and a resident. It won't do any harm to you, I assure."

She relaxes as he picks up the boxes situated by the front door. She's reminded of why she's even here. After years of a long, eventful life living with Doctor Finklestein in his tower, after being created by him....she's moving in with Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King. Her mind scrambles trying to recall everything - when she was first kidnapped by Oogie Boogie, saved by the skeleton himself, getting a tour of Halloween Town, finding Jack in the Graveyard, befriending him, and experiencing a long, blossomed relationship with the man......they started grew to something close, then eventually became a couple. Everything about it is simply beautiful to Sally; how she turned from an imprisoned slave into a free spirit with a purpose.

How can she forget the first time she stepped out of that tower, when she saw Jack's smile, and all the times she left everything she had to endure just to see him again...She dreamed of him reciprocating her love, showing how much he means to her, and sharing a domestic life together....she's wanted it badly, and today she was presented with this opportunity. Nothing can make her happier. And how ironic, it seems, that this decision is supported by the Doctor because he has a replacement now. He has no use for Sally anymore, and handed her off to someone else. She's lucky that happened to be Jack. She's fortunate to be with the man who does everything for her.

The skeleton steps around and heads through a doorway. She follows after, carrying a box of her own. "-I decided on a room for you already. I figured the stairs would be too much of a hassle, so I found a bedroom on the ground floor."

She blinks, marveling at the old chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the paintings they pass. "How many floors does this place have?"

"Three, if you include the observatory. But don't worry. I keep all the necessities downstairs. There's bedrooms and guest rooms on the second floor, so you won't have a need to come up often." He stops once they reach a door at the end of the hallway. "-This is it!"

He hesitates to put his bony hand on the doorknob, looking at her uncertainly. "Would you mind waiting here for a minute? I didn't have time to prepare the room. I'm sorry for being so unprepared, but I hadn't expected-"

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