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The Pumpkin King is surprised to find that he sleeps in the next morning. He surfaces from his sheets and stretches, hearing several of his bones popping as he rolls his skull to the side. A blissful sigh emerges from his lips. He wonders why he feels so good until it hits him. That's right. Sally gave him that massage last night, didn't she? That must be why he slept for so long; he's never felt so much tension leave his body before...

Jack climbs out of his bed to change into clothes, wearing his shirt as he heads downstairs. He's in the middle of buttoning it when he finds a figure already sitting on the couch. She's brushing her hair and staring out of a nearby window. The smile grows on his face as he hurries along, rushing over to meet with the woman. She glances up when he's a foot away, her eyes drifting down. He notices the dampness of her hair and the few droplets of water trickling along her cloth skin. He leans down and lays a kiss on her head, placing a bony hand on her shoulder.

"Good morning, Sally. You're looking refreshed!"

She smiles as he pulls away. "I used your shower. I've been waiting to dry in the meantime."

He takes a seat beside her. The window is open, allowing the sun to seep through and soak into her skin. He admires the way the light reflects off of her, as well as the few glints of the droplets still left on her frame.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious about that," He brushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. Still a little moist. "-I was wondering if you'd find any use out of that restroom..."

"I can wash, but not that often. It takes forever for me to dry." She wrings her yarn hair to get the rest of the water out. "How did you sleep?"

"Very good, actually. I don't think I've slept that soundly before." He pauses before giving her a smirk. "-And how did you rest, my dear?"

He can see the red tint on her cheeks. "I slept as good as my first night here. But it was more comfortable, how I feel asleep..."

His bones tingle in delight. He kisses her, musing to himself how lucky of a man he is to be with this woman. He stands from the couch and makes his way into the kitchen, where he prepares them a quick breakfast for the morning. 'I should sit us down together sometime and have a nice dinner...' He thinks. He grabs the ingredients from the cupboard and listens to the humming from the other room. His frame relaxes at the sound of her voice - reliving the moment where she sang to him, hoping that another day like that will come...

He finishes a couple servings of eggs and brings them to his beloved in the den. She compliments his cooking and he thanks her warmly. Everything about the situation feels great - being comfortable to eat like this already. Sally hopes things will get better from here; where they can share peaceful meals all the time and she won't feel fatigued from slaving over the stove like before.

"Do you have any plans today? I'm curious to hear them." Jack brings up. She thinks for a moment.

"I wanted to go into town and buy some supplies...with all that space, I want to start working on some clothes right away!"

He chuckles at her enthusiasm. "That's great, Sal. You found somewhere to get those things?"

"Not exactly. I'm hoping to find one." She notices the frown on his skull. Her posture deflates. "What's wrong?"

"-Well...Halloween Town doesn't have a seamstress anymore. We used to, years ago, but...there hasn't been one in town since." He senses her sadness and places a consoling hand on her back. "I'm sure you'll find some fabrics or sewing needles! I know the Town Hall has some extra supplies laying around..."

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