Her First Scare

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The Mayor of Halloween Town grins as he swipes his hand across a page, signing the last document for this afternoon. He moves to address the rest of the paperwork. As he organizes them, a tall man enters the room and catches his attention. He finds Jack Skellington ducking through the doorway, helping someone else through. He tilts his conical head at the sight of Sally Finklestein. He helps himself down to address them both.

He tips his hat politely. "Jack, you weren't expected until later this afternoon. Is everything alright?"

"Perfectly terrible, Mayor! We're here to ask you to call for a town meeting?"

"A meeting? What's it for?"

"We have some big news to share with everyone." He squeezes the ragdoll's hand. "It's important they make it, if they can."

"Big news?" He scrambles to grab his megaphone and collects his hearse keys. "--Expect everyone here in an hour! You can count on me!"

He rushes out of the room with excited steps. As soon as they're alone, the Pumpkin King turns to his fiancée. She's looking at the floor, fidgeting with her seams. He brings her attention to his face. He pulls on the loose threads and fastens them while she's not looking, offering a confident smile on his lips.

"Aren't you excited?"

She returns his keenness. "I've been preparing all morning. I'm ready for their questions."

"-That's what I want to hear!" He winks proudly, moving to set the podium. "If you need to step out, just let me know...we'll need a signal, won't we? Wink at me two times if you're getting-"

"I don't think that's necessary. If I'm going to be the Pumpkin Queen, then I need to get used to Town Meetings. Right?"

"..Exactly right."

He sets down a paper with a prepared speech already on it - in case Sally gets off-track. He already memorized it this morning. Sally sits down while he prepares everything. They can hear voices - sounds of claws scraping against the floorboards and footsteps frantically finding seats. In an hour, it's crowded behind the curtain. The Mayor steps in with a proud look plastered on his light face. He wipes some sweat off from his forehead.

"There's a full house there! I'll be handling the spotlight like always, if that's alright with you?"

"Perfect." Jack situates himself at the coffin podium before looking at Sally. "-Are you ready?"

She takes a deep breath.


Monsters are piled on the Town Hall's benches, shoved against one another in close proximity. This may be the fullest the place has ever been - Witches hovering on broomsticks from above, while little creatures and children sit on the floor in front of the stage. The Hanging tree and his Hanging Men are in the back like they usually are. The Halloween Town Band are pressed against the wall - along with Jack's numerous friends scattered through the seats. They're murmuring amongst themselves and squirming in impatience, perking up once the curtains are drawn. The Pumpkin King is revealed to their eager eyes.

They're curious to see Sally Finklestein sitting beside him. She keeps her hands clasped in her lap, avoiding their stares. The room darkens as a spotlight comes on. It's guided to Jack Skellington's thin figure by the Mayor's careful hands, tearing the citizens' gazes away from the lone ragdoll.

She sighs in relief.

"Horrible afternoon! Thank you all for coming. There's something important we want to tell you!"

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