Chapter 16

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*Mark's POV*

I had just gotten a shower, shaved and was now getting ready when I heard the commotion from the other room. At first, I didn't understand what exactly what it was but seeing Will barge into my room was answer enough.

Oh, Rose. 

I close my eyes and let out a defeated sigh as Will tells me about her being insanely furious and demanding to see me. 

"Tell her, all in good time." I joke, laughing but Will didn't seem to have the best humour at the moment. 

"Jeez, fine. I'll go over. I just wanted a drink before I went but guess that'll have to wait." I mumble, slightly pissed as I straighten my tie one last time in the mirror and walk out the door. Dorris was standing in the hallway, looking white as a ghost. Rose's fury probably scared the poor woman. 

"How do I look, Dorris?" I ask her. 

"Very handsome, Mr. Evans." she answers back politely. Dorris has been working for me for years now, she has seen me through my party years, drinking heavily to making this company an empire. She's family now. 

"For fuck's sake, dude. Quit obsessing over yourself and go to her. She's waiting." Will says, chuckling.  He walks up close to me and adds, rather quietly "Also, be gentle with her, alright? Her anger is justified considering the....circumstances." Will talks as he brushes a piece of lint off my jacket. "Go to your bride." He adds finally, with a big smile, stepping aside. 

"Thanks man." I smile back. Although I had been desperate for this time all day but now that it was here, I was....nervous. I was excited but at the same time, terrified. This was it. My bride, the woman for the rest of my life. 

I let out a deep breath as I walk over to her door, placing my hand on the doorknob. I twist the doorknob but don't open the door as yet. "Uh, you guys can go home now yeah? Thanks for everything. Appreciate it." I say with a smile, meaning every word I had just said. I watch both of them head towards the door but before I could see them leave, I open the door to Rose's room and step in. 

There she was sitting at the edge of the bed in that white dress I had picked out for her, looking radiant as ever. I knew it would very good on her. I had been dying to see her in it, dressed as my bride but she looks way better than what I had imagined. Her skin looking smooth, her long brown hair sitting nicely on her shoulders and her lips a deep red. I watch her stand up and turn to me, showing me how delicate she looked in the dress. Each of her curves showing off nicely, begging for me to hold them. I couldn't help but smile, I really am a lucky am. 

"Hey..." I say sheepishly. " look stunning.." I add, unable to remove my eyes from her as I take a few steps further into the room. 

"This is not fucking funny, Mark." I hear her say. I could sense disappointment in her tone that hurt me but I'll explain everything to her. I know she'll understand, she's smart enough to know whatever I did was for the best. For both of us. 

"I agree, love. It's not." I say, trying to get her to calm down.

Instead she just glares at me for a second before talking again. "Don't you dare fucking mock me. What the fuck is this? You cannot just do this to me. I refuse to let you do this, t-take control of my life and decide for me. No!" She continues in one breath, her voice loud and kind of annoying. 

"Rose, fuck, listen to me!" I say myself, trying to make sure my tone never goes to high. I watch her shut up, waiting for me to talk. I walk over to her and carefully take one of her hands in mine. She was hesitant at first but then let me. Now that I was closer to her, I could see how red her eyes and the tip of her nose was from all the crying. I notice that she wasn't wearing any makeup either  but God, she looked so beautiful. I tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear which is responded by an eye roll, making me sigh.

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