Chapter 21

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*Rose's POV*

I don't really know how late in the night it is right now and my sleep is still quite shallow when I hear the door open and gently click shut. At first, I make nothing of it and try to drift back to sleep. It's probably my mind playing games on me, like it has all night. It had kept me awake, tossing and turning in bed and just wouldn't throw down its weapons and let me get over with this day.

However, any attempts at falling back asleep are interrupted when I feel the space behind me on the bed sink under a heavy weight. This is followed by the noise of deep breaths, from someone who was now lying right behind me. Close enough for me to feel the soft warmth radiating from their hot body on my back but still far away to keep our skins from coming into contact with each other. This, however, is soon put away as within the warmth enwrapping my back, I feel cold fingers slowly brushing my skin. 

My eyes flutter open and my breaths pick up. 

The fingers continue to graze my bare back, exposed through my tank top. I couldn't help but let out a loud breath as my lips part. I quickly bite the corner of my lower lip to keep myself doing that but it's already too late. 

I hear a soft chuckle coming from him as he allows his fingers to snake down my back to my waist as he scoots closer to me, pressing himself behind me. His response was almost as he was waiting for permission. The granted permission being my heavy breaths, my own suppressed need, my face heating up and my body, well.....

I could feel his warm breaths on my neck as his troublesome hands continue to stroke my waist, his grip getting stronger with each passing moment as they ruffle up my top, gradually exposing my skin underneath. However, his finger continue to tease me as they continue to brush - as if unintentional - against my skin, making my heart skip a beat each time they connect. His movements were gentle as if trying to acquaint our skins to each other. 

Meanwhile, I could hear his own breaths pick up as they fan the back of my neck. He lifts himself a little and brings his lips close to my ear. Instead of saying something, he just plants a soft kiss on the back of my ear. Then another, and another as he kisses the curve of my ear. 

I couldn't help but think how intimate this is though, so simple yet so effective. In the meantime, I hadn't realised I myself had leaned back closer into him, my back buried into his chest. It seems as if our bodies were two pieces of a puzzle and fit perfectly next to each other as his larger frame covers my smaller one. 

"I can't stop thinking about you.", he finally murmurs into my ear. 

I draw in a deep breath and my lips remain parted as I tilt my head slightly to look back at him,  my gaze low. But his hands move up, the back of his index finger brushing against my lower lip as he keeps me from moving anymore. I close my eyes obediently, instead choosing to relish in his gentle touch. The rest of his fingers stroking my jaw and chin as he continue the back of his index finger down my lower lip before replacing it with his thumb upon reach the centre of my lip. His thumb tugs at my plump bottom lip and then proceeds to stroke it. I hear him groan into my ear before his lips attack my ear lobe, his teeth nibbling onto the soft skin.

His moves continue to get braver. His mouth next moves to my neck, planting kisses along it while his hand finally releases my jaw and makes it way down my body, slowly. It moves down my heaving chest, down my stomach and halts at the waistband of my shorts. From ruffling up my top earlier, he begins to stroke my lower belly, his fingers leaving fire on my skin.

I keep my eyes closed, finding pleasure in each of his moves. My skin aching for more every time it loses his touch. 

His hands linger near the waistband of my shorts as if trying to figure something out. 

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