Chapter 22

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*Mark's POV*

I slept like a rock last night. 

I didn't realize how tired I was until I hit the bed and straight up passed out. 

I was still in quite a deep sleep when my alarm rang. I glanced at my phone and it showed 6:30. Still kind of groggy, I decided to give myself a few more minutes before getting out of bed. 

I closed my eyes and immediately began to think of last night and the passionate kiss Rose and I shared on the balcony. A small smile crept up on my face. 

It's so unfair how giddy I get thinking of her, like a little boy thinking of her crush. 

I run a hand through my hair and then lay my head on my arm as I allow myself a few more moments of daydreaming. I replayed the kiss again in my head, when my hands on her waist and her small ones on my chest. 

I remember her walking away upon breaking the kiss and I had watched her go as I stood against the railings. From there, I was able to get a wide view of my apartment and I know there wasn't a single surface within my gaze where I had not thought of taking her. The kitchen counter,  against the walls, the couch - on it and over it and the damn balcony itself. Oh the things I'd do to her. We'd be locked away in this apartment for days, making a mess of it without a care for the world. All we'd ever need would be right there for us, with each other. Only if she'd let me, I would show her what pleasure is. Make her feels ways she could've never imagined.
I can't wait for the day when her voice screaming my name rings in this apartment, her clinging onto me as I myself finally have the satisfaction of being with the woman I love, my wife. 

I knew I could keep making scenarios like that all day long but I had work to do. With a sigh, I finally climb out of bed, still thinking of Rose, wondering how she slept after last night. I mean, that was definitely something for the both of us, right? I am hopeful that things are going to turn for the better from now on. I just have to continue doing what I'm doing, give her time and she'll eventually come around. Understand that this is good for her, for us. See despite how everything that happened, it brought us to each other. 

I get myself a quick shower and get dressed, eager to see how Rose feels after last night. I finally step out of my room and my eyes quickly scan the place, looking for her but to find her nowhere. Maybe she's sleeping a little longer, I explain to myself. She often comes out later than me anyway. 

I go on over to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. I need that first thing in the morning. Morning sex would also do. 

I shake my head. 'What the fuck, man?' I ask myself. 'Stop being such a horn dog.' I tell myself, kind of weirded out by myself. No wonder that poor woman is uncomfortable around me. I chuckle to myself at that. 

I make breakfast, some extra for her. I finish eating and even load the dishwasher while continuously glancing at her room door waiting for her to appear.  But she never does. 

I begin to get worried. 'What's going on with her?' I wonder.

I grab my bag, my keys and my wallet as I prepare to leave for work. But I knew I needed to check up on her before I go. I walk over to the door but before I could knock, I hear her walking around in the room. I let out a sigh of relief, relieved that she was awake and well, alive. I fight the urge to knock and see her beautiful face. And I can only hope that she as giddy as me, replaying the events of last night just as I was, and left wanting more just as I was.
But as decided, I need to give her some space. That is exactly what I shall do, no matter how desperate I am to do the otherwise. 

"Hey, I'm leaving for work." I call as I move towards the main door. "I'll see you later yeah?" I add, waiting for her to answer back but she never does. That's strange. I close the door shut behind me, and stand outside for a bit wondering what was up with her. The least she can do is acknowledge she heard me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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