Chapter 1

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"Here you go!", Rose said in a sweet tone. "Have a nice day.", she added and smiled to the old lady who softly smiled back and soon picked up her bags and walked out of the store.

'Have a nice day." Katie, her friend who worked at the store too, mocked. "Gosh, Rose, you were being totally fake!" She laughed, making Rose roll her eyes and fold her arms across her chest. "No, I wasn't! She seemed so sweet and I'm always nice to nice people.", she corrected.

"Sure you are", Katie answered, making both of them giggle.

"Don't be a jerk!" Rose laughed as she grabbed a pack of gum and threw it at Katie who ducked at the right time and it flew past her. Rose glanced at her watch that showed 6.45 pm and suddenly blurted, "Oh crap! I need to get going, Kate! You know father gets pissed when I return home late. Ugh, and I do not have the strength to deal with him today."

"Oh yeah, rush girl!" Katie said as she watched Rose hurry into the back room and grab her stuff. She soon appeared with her jacket on and her bag hanging on one of her shoulders. "Bye, Kate!", she said as she gave a quick kiss on her cheek and walked out of the store.

Rose was a 26 year old girl. She had a tall thin frame with the perfect amount of curves. She also had black straight hair that tended to curl towards the end and went down her mid back and was usually always tied back in a ponytail. Also, she had grey eyes that people said were her best feature and full pink lips that she was always biting onto.
Her mom had died when she was a kid and her father had raised her all by himself but by the time she was 15, he had become an alcoholic who got kicked out of his job. Slowly and gradually, he began to gamble as well and lost most of their belongings and savings into that and that's when Rose decided to find a job. She was also very smart and had luckily got a scholarship in college. The day she read this email, she was on cloud 9. She had never thought she could ever go to college but fate had been so good to her and had decided to make the most of this opportunity. So now, she was both studying and working to feed her father and herself.

It was about 7.05 when she reached home. Rose rolled her eyes in annoyance as she glanced at her watch and began to unlock the door. "5 minutes late and he won't shut up.." she mumble as she opened the door. She darted her eyes across the living room and find no trace of her father. "He must be in his room.", she said to herself happily and began to carefully walk towards her room so as not to let her father know she got home just now. She was right about to open her bedroom door when suddenly, out of nowhere she heard someone behind her, making her gasp and squeal only to find it was her dad who had seen her.

"Dad, you scared..-" she began to say but was interrupted.

"This is the time you come home?!" He yelled at her.

"Dad, its just 7.05! What is the big deal? I'm home now, aren't I?", she answered

"Big deal? Girl, have you been whoring yourself out there, huh?", he accused her.

This was too much for Rose to handle. She couldn't believe her own dad would say something like that to her.

"What the fuck, dad? How could you even say that?!", she shouted back.

"Well then, look at the time! What were you doing?", he yelled again.

Rose was too angry now and shouted, "Earning! Something that you should be doing for us!" With this, she walked into her room and slammed the door shut behind her.
Tears began to well up in her eyes as she dropped her bag on a chair and kicked off her shoes. She sat down on her bed and buried her face in her palms and she tried to compose herself. "I'm not going to cry because of him.", she repeated to herself over and over again until eventually she finally got up and began to undress until she was standing in nothing but her underwear. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought, "Do I really look like a prostitute?". She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked away before turning the lights off and getting into bed. "I haven't done anything wrong. Nobody has ever touched me. And I know that. Whatever he says doesn't matter...", she assured herself until she dozed off into a deep sleep.

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