Chapter 4

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*Rose's POV*
I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone. Its 7 am already? What? I just slept! I'm so tired. I don't wanna go bed is so warm and soft and comf...-

HOLY SHIT! Its 8.15! How could have I gone back to sleep?! I screamed out loud as my eyes flew open and glanced at the clock. SHIT SHIT SHIT. I quickly got off my bed and rushed into the washroom. 'Gotta skip shower.' I tell myself as I brush my teeth and wash my face. Good thing I showered before going to bed, I thought.

I soon stepped out of the washroom to get dressed and...oh no.... I hate this part. WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?! I haven't even decided anything. I stood before my closet, staring aimlessly at my clothes before I caught sight of a plaid shirt that I haven't worn in like ages. I quickly grabbed it together with a black tank top and black boyfriend jeans and within a few minutes I was all dressed up with my hair in a high ponytail and a bit of lipstick and mascara to have some color on my pale face. I glanced at my watch and 8.35. Wow, I'm impressed by myself. That was quick. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of my room to find dad watching TV and the entire room filled the aroma of the freshly brewed mug of coffee in his hand. 'Oh it smells heavenly.." I sighed to myself before I settled onto a decision that may end up me being killed. But that coffee is so going to be worth this.

 I had my eyes fixed on the mug in my father's hand and the next thing I know, I pounced at it and snatched it from his hand. He gasped out in shocked and stared at me and very soon that stare turned into a glare as he saw me sipping onto his coffee. 
'Rose! You-you.. bad bad girl!" He began to yell at me and got up and I quickly ran behind the counter, taking huge gulps of that heavenly coffee that is gonna cost my my life. 
'Sorry dad!" I laughed as I watched him make his way, fuming and yelling at me. I placed the half -filled mug onto the counter, "Okay fine, here!" I pressed my lips together as I tried hard not to burst up laughing as I watched his facial expressions change into utter dismay. "Sorry, I'm running a bit late. I had to, dad! I say quickly and kiss him on the cheek as I rushed out of the door before he began screaming again. Just as I was about to step out of the door, I turned around to glance at him and wait, what? Did I just see him smiling? He isn't mad?! WHAT?!
I was already out the door as all these questions hit me.' What is with today?' I ask myself as I smile, picturing daddy when he was smiling at me being totally silly. 

I had walked as fast as I could to the bus stop that, surprisingly, didn't make me wait long and luckily I wasn't really late for class.  I got in just in time and after that, all was normal and according to the routine. I attended all my 2 morning classes after which I had a small break. I had my breakfast and gossiped a bit with my friends before finally attending the final 2 classes and setting off for work. It was about 2 pm and the sun was shining bright and it was getting quite hot so I decided to unbutton my shirt all the way as previously I had buttoned just a bottom few. I was soon at the store and saw Kate behind the counter, "Hey!" I called out as I walked towards her and gave her a quick hug before going into the back room and keeping my bag away. As I walked out, Kate had this creepy smile on her face as she stared at me. 

"What...?" I mumble, tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Do you want to tell me about someone?", she asked.

I thought for moment, wondering what could she be talking about but I was blank. 
"", I answered. 
"Rose! Come one! Tell me.", she said in sort of a complaining tone.
"Tell you what, Kate? Really, I have no idea what you're talking about." I said out loud. 
"About the hottie! He probably came in yesterday when you were here late, didn't he? What do you think? Isn't he gorgeous?", she blurted all in one go. 
Now it all makes sense. The guy who got cigarettes. And stared a lot.
I roll my eyes and got to work as I answered, "He's just okay, Kate. Nothing great about him."
Honestly, yes. That's exactly how I felt. Okay, he was a bit attractive but gorgeous? Uh, sweetie no. There's only one man who's gorgeous and that is Ryan Gosling. This guy was just average for me. I turned to glance at Kate to find her mouth open as she glared at me in disbelief. I rolled my eyes again at her reaction until she smacked me on the arm.
"Ow, what?!" I cried out as I rubbed the skin where she hit me. 
"What is wrong with you, woman?!", she shouted. 
I couldn't help but laugh and answered, "Honestly Kate, I just don't see it. You may like him but to be honest, I don't! That's it." I say and got back to organizing the Tic-Tacs on the counter. 
"Do you even know who that is?", she asked again.
"Nope!" I answered, carelessly.
I heard her chuckle and move away a bit before slamming a copy of Forbes on the counter in front of me. And I was quite surprised to see an article about that stranger. "Mark Evans-the new CEO!", the title read. 
"He is a fucking millionaire.", Kate added and then slammed another copy of a magazine on it with another article about the stranger.. oh wait, Mark Evans. 
"The heartthrob CEO.", she reads the title out loud. "And look at his pictures!", she almost squealed, pointing at one his shirtless pictures, his muscles and chest and abs on full display. Next to it was one in which he was wearing a black suit, a silk black shirt and a matching black tie paired with shiny black shoes, standing by one of those sexy cars that I don't even know the name of.  I must admit, he looked quite appealing in that one.  
"He is a fucking sex God!" Kate said as she went on shamelessly staring at his shirtless picture and almost drooling over it. 
"Oh cut it out, Kate!" I say and close the magazines, keeping them back in their places. "First, he's not that good. Second, even if he is, he probably already has a girlfriend. Or girlfriends. Who knows."
"HE IS SINGLE!",  Kate yelled and shook me by the shoulders.
She was so excited! And getting very creepy. 
"Well, its not like he wants girls like us who work at super marts and check out groceries for people behind a counter." I say, rather rudely, that made Kate shut up. 
"Yeah... you're right....", she said slowly after a brief pause. 
I felt bad for doing that to her but I couldn't help it.
Both of the continued to work silently, putting the new stuff that just came in their places. It wasn't really a busy day and by now, the store was empty except for the two of us. Soon enough, we heard the bell ringing as someone entered. "I'll get that.", I told Kate who responded with a nod. I guess, I really did put her off.
I walked out of the dairy aisle and saw a man standing alone by the counter, busy on his phone.
"Hello, sorry I was just at the back. How may I help yo..-" I trailed off as I saw the person who had now turned around to look at me as I spoke.
The attractive stranger. No, Mark Evans.
Leaning by the counter, his hands in the pockets of his pants with his lips turning into a slight smirk as he answered, "No worries, love.."

Out of all the people? Well played, God.

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