Chapter 10

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I was insanely furious as I walked back to my car. I swear I could've destroyed anything or anyone who came into my way right now. I unlocked my car and sat in, slamming it shut behind me as I hit the steering wheel hard with my right palm. 
"Fuck!" I yelled, enraged. 
I knew I needed to calm myself down or I would've done something that I knew I would regret later on. I began to take in deep breathes as I closed my eyes with my hands firmly gripping onto the steering wheel of my car.

Within the next few minutes, I felt way better. I opened my eyes and stared straight ahead of me. I may have composed myself at the moment but I would never forget how Rose had insulted me. I felt fucking insulted. She had the guts to ignore me. She didn't even bother letting me know if there was a problem let alone showing up. But I am sure as hell she did this on purpose. She has got to have some serious balls to be able to that. 

Wrong move, my love. The further you try to go away from me, the more I would want you. 
I smirked to myself softly as I finally decided what to do and slowly drove back to my house.

*Rose's POV*
I had spent the entire day at home today. I skipped going to college as well as work. I knew Mark Evans must have his eyes on me and I was not willing to take a risk.

Going on date with him is the last thing I would ever do.

He may be handsome and charming and powerful and everything but he is always going to be a barrier between me and my dreams. I will never allow anything to come in between. Since mom passed away and and daddy gave up, this has become the sole purpose of my life. To get back all that we had lost. To recreate everything we had and live a happy life like we used to. Most of all, I want to be free. I want to be independent. To move as I wish, to do whatever I feel like and no one to stop me.

And accepting Mark Evans will never let me be that person. He is controlling and strict and dominating. I just can't do that...

By the time I woke, it was already noon. I groggily walked out of my room to see what dad was upto to see him dozed off in his room, surrounded by a dozen bottles of beers. I couldn't have rolled my eyes any harder. Must have been drinking the entire night, I thought  to myself. 
I washed up and made myself breakfast and quickly gobbled in down before going back to my room to study. Suddenly, I realized I had to inform Kate that I won't be coming in today and quickly sent her a text, asking her if she could cover my shift today. She replied in agreement and I let out a sigh of relief. I then opened my Biology textbook, plopped it onto my lap and tried to read. A lot of time went by and I hadn't even learned a single a word. I just couldn't focus. My mind was stuck at Mark and his words. 

"Same time. Same place. Tomorrow. I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow."
His words kept on repeating in my head and I couldn't help but blush each time. It was just very weird to have such a powerful man eager to take me on a date. I mean I had been asked out before but those were just guys from college and I didn't even care. I had managed to keep all sorts of feelings towards men away from me but I think, I might be failing this time.
I might be just... beginning to like....Mark....
I blushed hard as I realized what I had just confessed to myself. 

But really, did I really like him?

No... I can't. I shouldn't. This is not me. I shouldn't allow my feelings get to me. Get a grip on yourself, Rose!, I scold myself. 

I never realized how the time went by and it was already 6.45 pm. In 15 minutes, Mark Evans is going to be expecting me to meet him. My heartbeat suddenly paced up. 

Is it wise to ditch him?
Am I making the right decision?
Is he going to be mad at me?
All these questions flooded to me and I began to tense up. I seriously began to consider my decision of not doing as he told me to. After all, he still terrifies me.
Maybe after today, he won't bother me again. He might just give up considering the lack of efforts on my side. 
I glanced at my watch that showed 7.15. I could just imagine how furious Mark must be right now. I'm so glad I'm not there to witness it...

I realized Mark had been on my mind the entire day and I had been so stressed out, I decided to distract myself. I decided to cook.
I tied up my hair and went into the kitchen and began working. It had been around and hour and I had just placed the chocolate cupcakes I had been making into the oven when my phone rang. I quickly cleaned the counter before running back to my room to get my phone to find it was Kate.

"Hi Kate. Whats...-" I began but was interrupted.
"What did you do, Rose?" Kate screamed into the phone. 
"Wh-what? What did I do? What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.
"Mark Evans was here." she said briefly. 
Silence took over. 
"...and?" I asked, trying hard not to let it out in my voice that how worried I was now.
"He was freaking mad! Also, he said you are in trouble." she answered. 
Silence again.
"Rose?" Kate asked. 
"Omg Kate...." I cried into the phone as my heart began thumping inside me chest.
"What is going on, Rose? Tell me!"
"M-Mark.. H-he told me to meet him today and...."
"YOU DID NOT!" she yelled again.
"I didn't know what to do! I-I didn't want to go. Omg Kate... d-did he really say that?"
"Rosie... you know I won't make it up."
My legs gave up one me and I plopped onto my bed, already thinking of the things he could do to me. 
"Rose, relax, okay? Breathe!"
I finally let go of the breathe I didn't know I had been holding and began to take deep breaths. 

"Don't overthink. Maybe he would just back off now, right? I mean that is a possibility.." she tried to comfort me. 
"I hope he does..." I said softly. 
"Kate, I'll talk to you later. I just-I just can't right now... please."
"Sure Rosie. Take care of yourself, alright? Its going to be okay."
The call disconnected and I was left on my own. 
It then hit me how bad I had screwed up. Shit shit shittt!

 I buried my head in my palms and tried to calm myself and it was not until the smell of burning cupcakes hit my nostrils did I get up and run back to the kitchen.

Luckily, they didn't burn too much and I reached on time.
Only if I had done that for Mark Evans, I wouldn't have been in this 'deep trouble' he spoke of. 

Daddy had gotten out of bed by the time I set out dinner on the table. Both of us ate quietly. Today, I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts and worries to see what was up with dad, although I was sure there was something bugging him. 
It was now 9pm. And I had finally regained control on myself. I felt better.

I cleared the table and washed the dishes before going back into my room. I changed back into my sweatpants and a tight tank top, ready to go to bed when my phone beeped. 
I picked it up to see who had texted me to see it was an unknown number.
Fear took over me once again.
I was hesitant to read that text but I did anyway and all my fears came true. 
"Meet me on the corner of your street. RIGHT NOW. This time I won't spare you, Rose. -Mark Evans."
The text read. 
My heart sank as I read that text. 

Hi guys, hope you are enjoying the story so far.
I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long for the next update but I'm back now. Hope you guys like it.

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