Chapter 3

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It was about 11 pm when Rose decided to leave. "I can't even imagine how mad dad must be right now.", she said to herself and giggled, getting back to biting her lower lip soon. 

"Okay, Kevin. I'm going home!", Rose called out as she once again grabbed her backpack and walked towards the door. 

"Okay, Rosie! Take care, be careful, alright? And also good luck.", Kevin, another guy who worked at the store, joked. 

Rose glanced back at Kevin once and laughed, "I will, thanks." before she walked out and into the open night and began her journey home. She walked as fast as she could, her hands in the pockets of her jacket from the cold while the wind blew her hair back and away from her face. By the time she got home, Rose was freezing, her skin white and her teeth chattering. 
"Please be asleep, dad..", she murmured as she fumbled with the lock and very soon stepped into the warmth of her house. She gently closed the door shut and rest her back against it, trying to calm her breaths and letting out a sigh of relief to not see her father, drunk and angry and waiting for her. Gathering up some courage, she tiptoed into the living room, her eyes scanning the entire place for him but he was nowhere in sight. "Where is he?", she questioned herself . It was weird to find the complete opposite of whatever she had thought while walking back home. She had been dreading a terrible fight but it was all so peaceful, something she did not at all expect. She walked into her room to keep her bag away and take off her shoes and jacket before going to check up onto her father in his room to find him already dozed off. Rose couldn't help but smile as she watched him sleeping peacefully for a while before closing the door and going back to her room.

Once she got done with a quick shower and changing into pajamas, Rose plopped into bed and finally realized how tired she was. However, her mind was still stuck on that handsome stranger. She ran a hand through her hair and bit onto her lower lip out of habit as she recalled the scene. "Why was he staring at me..?", she wondered in confusion. "He was also smirking!" This made her sit up. "Was he making fun of me? Did I look funny?", she blurted as she glanced at herself in her dressing mirror. To her, she was okay. She looked regular and plain like she always did to herself and soon rolled her eyes and got back into bed, shaking the thought out of her mind. "Don't be so self-absorbed. Not everything is about you.", she scolded herself before eventually dozing off into a deep slumber.

*Stranger's POV*

Rose. What a pretty name. She was exactly like that. And she was so beautiful.. I could..-
Fuck, I need to stop smiling. Everyone will think I'm retarded. I looked up from aimlessly browsing through my phone to check who noticed and OH GREAT. Will is giving me the look. 
Its okay though. Will's my man, my best friend since school. He ought to know sooner or later. 
My phone buzzed and notified me of a text. I checked to see who it was and who could it be? Yes. Will. The man couldn't wait. I looked back at him and chuckled before reading his text.

Will: What you smiling about?
Me:  Its nothing... will tell you later.
Will: Later should be by tomorrow morning. 
Me: Done. 

Before I got lost into thinking of her and others notice, I better get the boys to leave. "Okay guys, time to go." I announced and was answered by a couple of groans. "Its late, we've all got work tomorrow. Go home." I said."What work for you? You are now the CEO of your father's company. You're the boss! Go, or don't go. Who the fuck cares!" I heard Bruce say and the others laughed. "Dude, you don't know dad. He's quite serious when it comes to the company. He'd be so pissed if he gets to know I stayed home from work." I answered and rubbed my temples with my hand remembering the last time I had skipped work. Soon enough, everyone began to leave. Will was the last one and reminded me, "Morning, okay? I wanna know whats going on that you're so pleased about." I laughed and placed by hand at his back before gently pushing him out the door. "Yeah man, don't worry."

Finally, it was just me. I grabbed a bottle of beer and sat back onto the couch before I began thinking of her again. She had such unique features. Her eyes were the most beautiful, a beautiful grey with specks of brown around the iris. I could stare at them all day. And her lips. The perfect shade of rose, just like her name. I wanted to kiss her so bad. If I hadn't controlled myself, I swear I would've grabbed her and pinned her small petite frame against the wall and kissed her senseless. Her tiny wrists firmly gripped in one of my hand above her head and the other resting at her waist with my fingers digging into her skin, my body pressing into hers while I kiss her and she couldn't have done a single thing about it. I would love to see her beautiful tired face once we pull away as she breathed hard, her chest heaving and her hands resting on me for support. Fuck, she was so gorgeous. I wanna see her again. I really want to get to know her, and be with her. I'm gonna go back to that place tomorrow. What did she say? She was covering a friend's shift, right? So she's gotta be there during the day.  I am gonna see her tomorrow. I'll make sure of that.

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