Chapter 6

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*Mark's POV*

Once I got out of the store, I got to my car and just sat there for a while, trying to image whatever happened in there once again in my head. I rested my head against the headrest of my seat and closed my eyes, her beautiful face right in front of me in a fraction of a second. Rose. Just standing there, breathing heavily with fear written all over her face. Her big grey eyes were constantly locked with my brown ones, her lips parted as if waiting for me to kiss her. I can't believe I was able to hold myself and walked out of that place without crashing my lips against hers stupidly.  Maybe I should've done that.... Nah, that's not how I want to have my first kiss with her. I want everything with her to be perfect. I want her to want me as bad as I want her. Besides, right now, she was so fucking scared of me. I guess I even felt her shaking a bit when she placed her hands on my chest. She's so innocent. And perfect. And gorgeous. And perfect. 

I was pulled out of my thought by a car horn honking on the other side of the road. I opened my eyes to find out it was just some stupid boys scaring a poor old lady. Fucking assholes. Why are these piece of shits even allowed to drive? 

Soon, I turned on my car and drove over to my office. I know dad's gonna lash out at me but its so gonna be worth it. Its kinda weird though. I mean I don't even know her nor anything about her, besides her name. I can't believe I'm so attracted to her, it's just way too weird for me. That's what I should do today then, I'm gonna get as much information about her as possible.

Upon reaching office, I came to know dad didn't stop by today. Lucky me! I told Lucy, my secretary, to get me all the files and send me a reminder of all the meetings scheduled for today before going up to my office. Once I was inside, I took off my jacket and tossed it onto the couch next to the door, loosened the tie around my neck and folded my sleeves. It's kinda hot today. Then, I placed my laptop on my desk and turned it on and while it did, I myself stood before my office window, my hands in my pocket with the entire city right before my eyes. It was all quite mesmerizing, the cars buzzing here and there, people rushing off to wherever they need to be, and everything seemed in place. It was nice.  I was brought out of my thoughts when my laptop began to ding continuously with all the notifications and email that needed to be attended. With a sigh, I walked back to my desk and sat down, finally getting my work mode on. 

*Rose's POV*

WHAT THE HELL HAD JUST HAPPENED? What does he think of himself? Just barging in and saying all that crap to me? And what was up with me? Why on earth was I so scared of him? To be honest, I was terrified. There is something very intimidating about him! No matter what, I should've stayed strong. But what did I do? Stood there like a fucking rock! Ugh, I'm so mad. 

Kate took me to the backside when he left, and of course, I was still pretty shaken. It took me a while to finally comprehend what had happened. Poor Kate! She was so worried about me, got me water and tried to calm me down, rubbing my arm or my back the entire time. 
"Hey, Rose... are you okay..?", she asked.
I answered with a slight nod and pressed my lips together.
"It was so weird.. And I'm so sorry I left you all alone. I-I wanted to come to you but something held me back. I don't know what happened to me. I was in a complete shock! Ugh, I am so stupid. I'm sorry Rose..", Kate said.
"Hey, n-no.." I mumble softly, "...its not your fault. Don't blame yourself. Neither of us knew something of that sort would happen..." I trail off at the end and bury my face in my hands before eventually running them through my hair. 
"Rose, I think you should go home. I'll handle here...", Kate added, smiling softly. 
"Are you sure?" I asked her.
"Yeah..just go. Just relax okay, don't think of this.", Kate assured me. 
I gave her a weak smile and hugged her tight, "Thanks Katie!" I say softly before getting up, grabbing my backpack and setting off for home. 
I felt so tired the moment I got home. Even though I hadn't eaten anything, my eyelids were too heavy and all I wanted was to go to bed. And that is exactly what I did. I got into bed and the very next minute I was fast asleep and it wasn't until very late at night that I woke up with a growling stomach. 
I finally got out of bed, washed up and changed my clothes before going into the kitchen, I glanced into dad's room and found him sleeping with a few empty bottles of beers lying around him. I couldn't have rolled my eyes any harder at that. He has been drinking the entire time, he had the chance and he took it. I went into the kitchen and found nothing to eat. That wasn't new. I didn't cook so yeah there isn't anything to eat. Dad probably went to bed hungry. No wait, he filled himself with beer. I wanted to get into bed again so decided to settle for cereal that I took to my bed. I got into my warm covers and began to eat as I finally began to think of whatever that had happened back at work. 

Does he really like me......?
What did he mean I'm special?
What did he mean he'll get me...?
There were tons of unanswered questions in my head. I was more surprised by the fact that why me? I mean he's a fucking billionaire for crying out loud, blessed with amazing aesthetics as well. Ladies must be literally hurling themselves at him, then why did he choose me? It was all so confusing. And thinking about it was doing nothing but mess up my head further so I decided to just drop it and go back to bed.

*Mark's POV*

It was a very busy day today. So much work had piled up all of a sudden, I got out of my chair only when I couldn't work any further. I hadn't even had lunch or tea. My back was fucked up by the time I got up and I actually had to stretch a bit. It was about 10 pm that I decided to go home, everyone else had already left. I locked my office and got out of my building to my car and drove home. I picked up Chinese on the way for dinner and very soon was in the comforts of my home, in sweatpants and no shirts. My favorite way to dress. I heated up my food and sat down on the couch and began eating as I watched TV. The sad part of living alone. Mom has told me so many times to get myself a maid or something, but I don't know. I think having someone else in the house wouldn't give me the privacy that I enjoy. Having one who cleans this place each week is enough. There was nothing really up on television when suddenly I remembered Rose. Whoa! I completely forgot about her, all that work got me so occupied. I smiled to myself as I recalled her face again in my head. I had to get info about her, right? I'll just text Ken, the best man. He can do this job perfectly. 

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