Chapter 5

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*Rose's POV*

Seeing him smirking at me, I decide to fake a smile and greeted again. "Hello."
"Hey", he answered, his eyes glued at me. I look away and made my way to the counter. I could feel his eyes fixed at me as I walk over and began to bite onto my lower lip, nervously. As soon as I got behind the counter, I looked up at him once and found him staring right back at me. I tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear as I fake another smile, trying to be as polite as possible. Actually, trying to be as nice as possible because to be honest, right now, he is scaring the shit out of me. I really am scared of him. I mean he is huge, so much more stronger than me. 

"Uh, so can I help you?" I ask again and look up. I caught sight of Kate behind him as I did so who was literally fanning herself as she stared at his back. I held myself form chuckling as I turned back to him who was now speaking. 
"Yeah...", he began and handed a piece of paper to me. "Can you help me get all this stuff? My mom wanted me to get her groceries and you know..." He trailed off. 
I don't know why he seemed kind of embarrassed and scratched the back of his head while doing so. I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I watched him and answered, "Yeah, sure!" I think that was pretty cute. 
I walked out of the back of the counter and grabbed a basket and tell him, "Come on.."
Kate, however, had suddenly disappeared. My eyes scanned around, as I walked over to the produce aisle, looking for Kate but couldn't find her. Perhaps, she is hiding somewhere, stalking this guy to her heart's content. Silly girl.
"Alright, so... we need.... " I say and begin to read out the things written down on the paper. 

*Mark's POV*
I was standing by the counter when I heard her voice. Fuck yes, she's here. I quickly turned around and looked at her. As beautiful as she was yesterday. I couldn't hep but smirk at her as soon as I saw her because of all those images of what I want to do her running through my mind. She was wearing an unbuttoned shirt over a tight tank top that perfectly hugged her frame and even showed a bit of her cleavage. Goddamn, I'm lucky today. I was beginning to feel horny already and could feel my pants tighten a bit at the crotch. Fuck, no! Fuck. I need stop thinking of whatever I'm thinking now. Okay, wait. She's talking. Yeah, alright. 
I knew she would ask me if I needed her help, and obviously I did, so I had to fake this stupid grocery list.  It was kind of embarrassing, I mean really. "My mom wanted me to get it for her?" What the actual fuck? But it worked and she was ready to help me out so I guess, its worth it.
I watched her get out of behind the counter and bend forward to grab a basket. I was quite pleased as I got a good look of her cleavage as she did so before following her to an aisle as she read out the list and I soon decided to begin a conversation.
"So, uh, how long is this gonna take?" I ask.
"Not long.", she answered briefly.
Now what? I don't know what else to say. 
Thankfully, she spoke again. 
"Its not much stuff and I know where everything is so its cool."
"Uh huh..." I smile. It was getting very difficult for me to remove my eyes from her ass as she walked in front of me. I swear to God, if anyone saw me, they'd think I'm a pervert. What is wrong with me? I don't act like this with women, I'm so much more smoother. Its the ladies who get all excited. But Rose? Why isn't she interested in me?
"Is this place always this empty?"
"No, not really. Usually, its buzzing with people everywhere. Its gets very hectic. I'm actually surprised its quite today so it just leaves me and Kate, the other girl. You've probably seen, right?
"Oh, yes." I pause briefly, as I remember the girl who was usually there. "So Rose, what else do you do?", I ask.
"Uh.." she began and chuckled before continuing, "...I'm studying. I'm in college."
"That's cool." I say. "What's your major?"
"Biology.", she answers with a smile.
Hmm, beauty with brains. 
I pause for a while. I don't need to know all this pointless stuff. I'm gonna get down to business like I always do. I don't care how much of a freak she thinks I am. 
"So.. do you have a boyfriend?"
She turned to look at me in surprise before looking away and biting on her lip again. Fuck, she has to stop doing that. That is such a tease, God!
"Um no.", she says as she blushes and stops to grab a few spices and stuff. 
I smile to myself at that. Good for me and that's when I decide to take an action. 
I move away from leaning at the rack and step behind her, placing one of my hand next to her head, trapping her between myself and the rack. She turned around and looked up at me. She looks so confused and scared. Her big eyes staring right into mine and her lips parted. I badly want to kiss her and hold her tight in my arms. But I'm gonna go slow with her. She's special. 

*Rose's POV*
I turn around to find him standing right behind me and one is his hand next to me, trapping me. I look up at him to find him looking down at me too. What is he doing?
"I like you, Rose.", I hear him say. 

My breaths suddenly get heavier and begin biting at my lip again. I don't know what to say. I need to get out of here but I can't get myself to move. He's too intimidating. 
I never noticed when he leaned in a bit closer and brought his face closer to mine, my eyes locked with his. I gulp hard as his other hand took hold of my chin gently and ran his thumb over my lip, pulling it away from my teeth. 
"That's too distracting, babe.", he says softly. 
He kept his hand at my chin and his thumb continued to run over my lips until I regained a bit of control of myself and pulled his hand away. Gently though. Pissing him off was the last thing I wanted. 
"Wh-what are you doing?" I say almost in a whisper and as I do so he takes hold of my hand. I was literally shaking now. 
"Ssh." He hushed me as I notice his eyes lingering more on my lips than on my eyes. "Relax, I won't hurt you."
My heart was pounding inside my chest by now as he continued to hold my hand and began talking again. 
"I really like you Rose. You're beautiful. I haven't stopped thinking about you since the first time I saw you yesterday. And trust me, I've been thinking a lot about the two of us.." he said and gave me a smug smile. He brought down the hand on the rack and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear and continued to run a finger down my jaw, the other hand letting go of mine and snaking up around my waist as he began to lean in closer, his lips inches away from mine. 
Suddenly, I placed my hand on his hard chest and turned my face away. I just regained myself and realized I had to stop this. My breaths were so loud as I tried to push him away but to my surprise he didn't budge and one of his hand remained around my waist and the other at my back. Although he wasn't holding me way too tight, his grip was firm and our bodies were dangerously close.  I turned my face back at him, this time, angrily. 
"What do you think you're doing?" I say.
I was responded by a smirk again. "I expected you to do this and guess what? Even though right now I can pick you up, throw you over my shoulder, get you into my car and take you home and do everything I'm longing to do to you, I won't. Know why? Because you're special. But I'm gonna get you, sooner or later Rose. Keep that in mind, baby girl." Saying this, he placed a kiss on my cheek and moved away, walking off, leaving me in a state that was completely new to me. 
I was in too much shock to move and his words kept on repeating in my head until Kate came running to me.
"Rose, are you okay?", she asked me and made me look at her, her hands on my shoulder. 
I tried to open my mouth and answer her but all this was too much for me. "Never mind, I saw everything. Come with me.",  she said and took me in the back rooms.
What the fuck had just happened?

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