Chapter 2

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The next morning, Rose woke up to the sound of her alarm in her phone. "Ugh..", she moaned in irritation before eventually sitting up onto her bed. She sat there for a while, debating over to continue with her sleep or give it up and go to college. She chose the latter and soon got off her bed and walked into her washroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and got disgusted at the sight she saw. She went on to tie her hair up and brushed her teeth before getting into the shower. Wrapping a towel around herself, she walked out to pick her clothes and after spending a good 10 minutes deciding what to wear, she settled for ripped black skin-tight jeans and a grey crop top together with her jacket that she tossed onto her arm, in case she got cold. 

She walked out of her room and into the kitchen to help herself and her grumbling tummy that hadn't had anything since yesterday. She spotted some bread and decided to go for jam and bread and put on some coffee, for both her dad and herself. She was soon done and said a soft goodbye to her still sleeping dad before she left the house. She got really angry at him at times but still loved him. And knew he wouldn't hurt her ever. She got a bus and went to college first. After a tiring day there, she went to work, the store. 

The day had been all fine and Rose began to get ready to set off for home when Kate came over and said, "Hey Rose.. I needed a kind of a favor.." 

"Yep?" Rose said, busy with stuffing her things into her bag.

"Uh, could you do my shift tonight? Please please please?" Katie blurted.

"W-what?!" Rose stuttered.

"Please Rose, I have a date tonight and remember David, the guy I told  you about? He finally asked me out and I really wanna go.." Katie explained.

"Kate, I-I can't even if I wanted to. You know dad.. he'll-he'll go crazy.... and I have college tomorrow..." Rose answered, placing her hand on Katie's arm. 

"Rose, please! I'll owe you forever!" She placed both of her hands on Rose's shoulder. 

Rose looked at her, asking herself what to do before she sighed and said, giving up. "Alright, fine!"

Kate suddenly squealed out in happiness and took Rose into a tight hug, shouting thank you over and over again. Rose laughed at how excited she was and dropped her bag again once Katie let go of her. "I'll be at the counter..", she told Katie as she walked out and began to attend the customer that had just come up. Katie soon emerged and with another thank you and a kiss on Rose's cheek, left the store, leaving Rose to work till 9. Once, she left and she got done with checking the items, she sat down and pepped herself, "Its okay. I'm gonna be late today. But its fine. Dad has to say something anyway everyday without a reason, let him have a reason tonight." The store was empty by now and she was lost in her thoughts until her train of thought was broken when she heard the bell on the door when someone walked in. She quickly got up, still playing with her phone and biting onto her lower lip, thinking that the person would take their time around the mart before coming up to the counter. 

She soon heard, the clearing of a throat. She looked up to see a guy standing there. 

"Oh, I'm-I'm so sorry....I thought you would...-", she began to blurt awkwardly but the stranger interrupted her, making her bite her lower lip once again.
"Its okay. No worries." He smiled at her, making her smile back.

He was quite handsome, she finally noticed. Quite tall, nice hair, a stubble and she could even see muscles, "Must work out hard." she thought to herself.

"A packet of cigarettes please?" He soon said.

"Uh, sure." Rose, answered as she bent down and grabbed a pack from the lower shelf. "That would be 5 dollars. Anything else?" Rose said, typing the amount into the cash register before she looked up to him to find him staring at her. 

He smirked slightly and with a pause, answered, "Yeah. Gum please."

His smirk had made Rose a bit uncomfortable but she went on, "Which one? We've got Extra, Orbit..-" 

"Extra." He cut in. 

"Alright. 2.35$. That would be a  total of 7.3..-" Rose began to say, her eyes on the register again when he interrupted her again. 

"Are you new here? Haven't seen you before."

"Uh no.." Rose said softly, chuckling a bit in towards the end, as she tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm working a friend's shift. She had somewhere to be so.. yeah." Rose answered politely, with a smile. 

The smirk returned to his lips as he asked, "Whats your name?"

Rose's lips parted slightly in surprise as she heard what he said but soon regained herself as she stuttered, "U-uh.. Rose."

He placed the money on the counter, grabbing his stuff and said. "Suits you." With that, he turned around to leave and turned back once again to glance at the still awestruck Rose on reaching the door. Rose watched him get into his car and speed off while she mouthed, "WOW." That was....weird, she thought to herself. The rest of the time soon passed and Rose packed up and set off for home, another drama waiting for her.

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