Chapter 20

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*Roses's POV*

It was a short drive from Mark's apartment to the restaurant. A rather fancy restaurant, one that I had seen only from the outside. 

As Mark stepped out of the car, walking over to open my door, I took a glance at the people around. Everyone looked so fancy! So well-dressed, and just perfect. Suddenly, I began to feel slightly insecure, almost wishing I had listened to Mark and maybe worn something nice from what he had got me. My clothes right now were just... so me. Plain as fuck. 

I hear Mark call out for me with me turning to see his hand held out for me to hold. I didn't want to embarrass either one of us tonight, especially not here so I place my hand in his and climb out of the car. I feel Mark's hand gently place itself on the small of my back as the valet takes the car away and we begin to walk towards the entrance.

"This place looks so expensive. Why'd you have to bring us here?" I murmur softly to Mark, who's arm was now snaking to around my hips. 

"Its not that expensive." Mark answers back, with a teasing grin. 

I shake my head as I roll my eyes at him, hearing him chuckle. 

We were soon greeted by the one of the waiters at the door.

"Ah, Mr and Mrs. Evans! Welcome, its a pleasure to have you here. Please follow me to your table." He says politely, with a wide smile. 

I manage to muster a weak smile back but I was too fixated on what he had called me. 
'Mrs. Evans.' Is it really it? Is it really official and I'm the only one in denial?

It seems like Mark noticed the clear confusion on my face as he reached for my hand, giving it a squeeze. I glance up at him to see him giving me a reassuring smile. Well, at least trying.
Neither of us said anything until we were seated and the waiter had left.

"You really did this, Mark..." I mumble finally, my gaze fixed at the menu before glancing up and gently biting my lower lip with my eyebrows furrowed. 

Mark lets out a soft sigh, waiting, as if he knew I had to say more.

"This is a done deal and there's literally nothing I can do about it, is there?" I ask him, hoping he'd say otherwise.

"Rose. I know what's happened wasn't probably the way you wanted it to happen. And I've apologised for it and I'll apologise again. But baby..." he talks, reaching for my hand from across the table. "....give me one chance. I'll make it all worth it."

At this point, I didn't fight him. I let him hold my hand. It was an intense moment which was brought to a halt as the waiter came in. Pulling ourselves together, we both ordered and Mark also ordered us a bottle of white wine. 

While waiting for the food, Mark began to tell me about his work, what he exactly does. I guess a wife should at least know that. 

Meanwhile, we were served the wine as well and honestly, it was the smoothest white wine I had ever tasted. Not that I had very nice wine before anyway. 

While we talked, I ask him softly. "What about your parents?" 

Of course, the waiter like always, had extremely bad timing and brought the food just then. It smelled absolutely divine though and I suddenly realise how hungry I was. I was lucky that my stomach didn't grumble loud enough for people to hear. 

We immediately dug in but soon enough, I hear Mark speak up.

"I would love for you to meet my parents. They live not too far away. But when you're ready to, I don't want to pressure you more than you already are." 

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