Chapter 11

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Omg omg omg!
I almost screamed out loud but held myself.
This can not be happening. 
He is threatening me.
And ordering me. 
And wait.. most importantly. How the hell does he know where I live?
I should've seen this coming..
How can I be so dumb?
I sat down on the edge of my bed as I re-read the text over and over again, hoping it would change somehow.

I gulped hard as soon as I finally accepted that this had just happened and that Mark Evans must be out there waiting for me. For the second time this day.
I debated with myself with what to do? To stay in and ignore him, once again? Or just give in and not disappoint him this time?
I finally settled for the latter because the first choice doesn't even seem like a choice. Its more of a dumb move, just provoking him. What if he barges into my house? What if dad comes to know of all this menace. I just can't take this risk...

With a deep breath, I get up onto my feet and put on a hoodie. I zip it up halfway through because of the tight tank top that I had on. Going out to him looking like that would just be an invitation for him. I slipped on my flipflops and before walking out of my room, I glanced at myself in the mirror.

I looked so pale. My cheeks and the tip of my nose slightly pink and my lips red from the constant biting that I had been doing ever since I received Mark's text. My hair was let loose and framed my face. I tucked lose strands of hair behind my ear before finally tiptoeing out of my room to see what dad was up to and it wasn't a surprise that he had been drinking once again and had passed out. I grabbed the door keys and shoved them into my pocket before stepping out of the house into the chilly, dark night. 
My heart was beating hard as my eyes searched around to see if he was around. On finding no trace of him, I began walking, my eyes constantly roaming around to see where he was. 
The street was almost empty and the cold wind made me shiver, making me wrap my arms around me. The wind was blowing through my hair and I was about to reach the end of the street, walking close to an alleyway when suddenly I felt a strong arm wrap itself around my waist and the other over my mouth. I was completely taken by surprise as the attacker pulled me close to himself and I felt my back press against him before he spun me around and pinned me to the wall of an alleyway. I shut my eyes tightly and screamed out loud into his hand but it turned into nothing but muffled screams. He placed one of his knee between my legs and pressed his chest against mine holding my small frame firmly against the wall. 
"Hi baby.." a familiar voice said. 
It was only then I opened my eyes to see who it was. My eyes went wide as I recognized the face and my now uncovered mouth dropped open to see, Mark Evans dangerously close and smirking down at me. 

My heart had already been pounding inside my chest as I had already accepted my fate that I'd be raped and murdered and left on this dark alley on this very night. 
I was sort of thankful to see it was only Mark but at the same time, I was even more terrified to see him. He didn't look like his usual self though.
Instead of his perfectly tailored suits, he wore his dress pant with a creased un-tucked shirt with his tie hanging loosely around his neck. 
Instead of his hair being brushed back perfectly, it fell over his forehead and onto his eyes. I might've even saw a slight bruise on the corner of his forehead but there were more important things than to observe his beautiful features.
Wait.. what?
By now he had leaned down his head to meet my level and was looking straight into my eyes. Both of his hands were next to my head on the wall, trapping me in between himself and the wall, just like the first time. 
"M-Mark..." I stutter softly.
"Ssh." He hushed me, pressing one of his fingers against my lips and make me silent. 
"You do realize I'm really angry at you, right?" he asked softly, his eyes lingering on my lips and moving below, down to my neck and collarbones, observing me and taking in all that he could see while one of his hand played with the ends of my hair that happen to end just at my chest. 
I gulp and nod, beginning to bite my lower lip again with my own hands hanging at the sides of my body. 
"I'm glad to know that, Rose." he said again. 
I could feel his warm breath fanning my face as he spoke, reminding me again of how close he was to me. 
I look away, and begin biting hard onto my lip when he raised his hand and removed my lip from in between  my teeth, making me look up at him again. 
"I told you not to do that." He said and with a short pause, his eyes locked with mine the entire time, he continued again. "I'm fighting the greatest urge right now to rip off every piece of clothing off your body and ravish you, fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for the next few days."
My heart sank as I heard those words leave his lips and I tried to push him away but instead, he caught hold of my arms and pinned them next to my face on the wall, himself coming even more closer to me. My breasts were pressed up against his chest and I could feel his hard manhood pressing against me. 
"Mark please.." I manage to mumble and turn my head away. 
"I know my love.." he whispered into my ear, softly kissing my jaw. 
He slowly let go of my hands and replaced his own on the wall when suddenly, he said. 
'Kiss me, Rose."
My head shot back to look at him to find him already staring right back at me and a smirk playing on his lips. 

"W-what?" I blurt. 
"Kiss me." he said again. 
I gulp again and try to say no but no words leave my mouth. Our eyes remain locked with each other. 
He broke the silence one again, "Rose, I said, kiss me." This time, his voice was firm. 
I winced at that and my lips parted in shock. I continued looking at him to find his eyes darker than ever, his lips in a firm thin line, his face couldn't have been anymore serious. I eventually decided to do as he said because I feared that if I pissed him off one more time today, he'll do whatever he said a while ago and I won't be able to do shit about it.
Gulping slightly, I brought my hands slowly up and cupped his face, my eyes lingering more on his lips than his eyes. Deep down, I wanted this as much as he did and I knew it. I licked my lips once, leaving them separated as I stepped closer to him.
I was standing on my toes by now, and I look into his eyes once before I softly press my lips to his. I kissed him softly when his strong muscular arms wrapped around me and brought me close to himself and he kissed me back. My own hands slid from the side of his face to around his neck. 

I was enjoying it.
I was enjoying every moment of it.
The way he kissed each of my lip in turn and then clumsily smacked them back into mine. I could feel his grip tighten around me as he kept on pulling me closer to himself, my breasts fully pressing against his chest and his manhood stroking the side of my thigh. My breaths were heavy and it was getting difficult for me to keep pace with him. My own arms around him were tight for it was the only thing holding me up. My knees were all weak and without his support, I would've dropped right on the ground. 

Suddenly, keeping a hold on me, Mark pinned me back against the wall, making me gasp. I broke the kiss and slid my hands on to his chest, looking up at him. Even before I could respond, his hand grabbed my face and he crashed his lips back to mine. Taking me by surprise, his tongue had found access and slipped itself into my mouth, beginning to explore every corner of my mouth. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as our tongue's fought for dominance and very soon, I feel him smiling against my lips. Gradually, one of his remained around my waist while the other slowly snaked its way down to my thigh and lifted my right leg that made his boner press up right against my entrance. I gasped out loud and broke the kiss, my hands that were now on his chest pushed him away. 
"Stop!" I said loudly. 

Things were getting out of hand and I knew I had to put a stop them. Little did I know, I didn't exactly have all the control. 
Catching Mark off guard, I had managed to push him back but that only drove him even more furious. He had only stumbled a few steps back and within a matter of seconds, he was filling in those steps again.Groaning, his hands took hold of my wrists and held them behind my back while the other grabbed me by the hair, making me cry out softly. 
"Mark.." I mumble helplessly.
He didn't respond and kept on glaring at me, his eyes were darker than ever. I was so scared. All I wanted was to get away from under his gaze and that too ASAP.
"I'm sorry... please...." I further added, my voice trailing off towards the end. 
"Don't force me to do things you won't like.", he said firmly. 
His grip on my hair had gotten looser and was now sliding down my sides to my waist. I looked away from his eyes as I continued to breath hard. 
Why does he have to be like this? So controlling? 
He finally took a step back, removing has hands completely off of me. I let out a sigh of relief as I watched him step away but his eyes remained fixed at me. 
"Let me walk you home." he said, briefly.
I looked at him once and nodded, well because there wasn't anything I could've done anyway. 
He let out one of his hand and I took it before both of us began walking back to my house, silently. 
My small hands fitted perfectly into his large, warm ones. I was kind of happy. What made me happier was that even though he was fucking mad and could've done anything he wished with me, he didn't. He held himself. It made me feel so special. By the time, we reached my house, I was blushing hard and I knew my face must be a bright red color and I knew Mark must have noticed it. 
"Rose." Mark said, making me look up at him as I tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear. I saw his smirk was back on his lips and, suddenly, I just didn't like it at that moment.
"I'm very happy right now, you know why?" he asked.
"Why?" I asked, almost in a whisper. 
He paused for a second, that stupid smirk still playing on his lips. He brought his face closer to mine as he answered, "Because we're gonna get married very soon."
I jerked my hand out of his and stared at him. I was shocked. Too dumbfounded to say anything. 
He chuckled at my reaction and continued, "You're gonna be mine, love. All mine. To hold. To touch. To fuck." My heart drowned. I couldn't believe my ears. Tears were beginning to well up in my eyes as I realized, he was nothing as I had thought he was. 
"Be ready..." he whispered in my ear and placed a kiss on my cheek before walking away, leaving me there standing, shocked and in tears.

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