4. One of A Kind

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  • Dedicated to Minnie/Moza- telling me everything that is bitter for future sweetness!


You, dear sister, are real unique

I don't how we came to be, but chance made us meet

It started out really randomly because both of us were bored

But today, I am glad to see we've become friends.

I've learnt a lot from you and we both did share whatever needed when we felt the need

You looked out for me and though I did not heed your advice at times

I could say they were the wisest but not always!

You are wise and mature and I wonder how

You define correctly and understand personalities

You find out hidden stuff and I do envy you because of that.

Singing has been your passion, music is your life

You've been blessed with a voice so harmonious

That none of us can help but be dragged into the sweetness

Of which you sing.

People view you many ways and you don't really mind

You thought me that I shouldn't either

Quoting the words of your favourite role model

Flipping your long locks you say "Haters gonna hate"

Your strength and smile is the accessory you wear.

None of us are perfect and neither are you

Admitting it is a really good quality

Which I really do admire.

Praying and believeing in your faith

Striving hard to be good and not hurt others

Your personality is sure to be appreciated.

You have your flaws, you are judgmental

But you aren't adverse to see that you are

Though it may take some time, you do admit to your weakness.

However I am glad to have a friend like you

Let's be friends forever and let's look out together.

I pray your dreams come true

Because that gift of yours is meant to be used

That beautiful melodious voice is supposed to heal and lighten hearts.

So reach for the star, Minnie AKA Moza

Because you are one of a kind!

Hey people,

So this was a dedication to a friend of mine who has looked out for me on many occasions and I haven't always listened to her but I got to thank her for being a honest friend andlooking out for me!


Some friends are there to tell you about the bitter realities of life than the sweet ones and you may not always like them because of that but later you'll realize that because of them, you've saved yourself from many embarassing stuff!



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