Chapter three

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Minutes after king Adejoba and his faithful guard Olakunle had exited the cafe, oren dipped his hands into his pocket, reached for speeddial and when the call finally went through he spoke some frantic words that had the female on the other end of the phone rushing to his cafe in the next thirty minutes.

The door swung open and a woman in her mid-thirties with ebony skin spotting a box braid on her head and big headphones hanging around her neck walked in. ,The beautiful shade of pink eye-shadow she wore complemented the nude lipstick she had on.

She peeled off the navy trench coat she had, revealing a blue glitter top on ripped jean beneath. The diamond nose ring she wore glimmered under the dim light.

"Ajé." Oren curtesied.

"What makes the god of divinity summon me so urgently?" She questioned.

Her heels clanked against the marble tiles with each calculated strides she took. She stopped midway, examining the worried look he had on when he finally un-palmed his face. She took in long shaky breaths.

"Joba was here. I can feel his magic still lingering around. Why was he here? What did he want? Did he try to kill you too?!" She muttered the words agitatedly.

"No. He did not try to kill me. Why would you think that way of him?"

"He killed Adeleke! All for the throne!"

Oren sighed, his countenance shrouded with burden. "That was inevitable. The same way he killed Adeleke another god is out there waiting for the right moment to kill him too and take the throne. You know how the powerplay works. Just because some of us chose to live in this realm with no interest to claim that seat doesn't mean others won't."

Knowing fully well how right Oren was she proceeded to walking towards where he sat on a stool, she wrapped her arms around him, patting his back to help lessen his stress.

"Care to tell me why he visited you? It's unlike him to leave his throne vacant and the barrier open."

"He came to inquire about a woman."

Ajé gasped, "a woman?! Since when did he care about women?"

"Apparently he needs his bloodline to continue on his legacy. I'm guessing he wants an heir."

She nodded sagely. Oren detached himself from her, walked behind the counter and whipped her a cup of cappuccino. Gladly retrieving it from him she took a long sip, smiling delightedly.

"For a god you make one badass cappuccino."

Oren chuckled before returning back to his seat. He stroked her cheeks with the pads of his palms. He held unto her hand that wasn't gripping the cup tightly. His lips trailed her wrist before he kissed her knuckles she settled her gaze on his stress-beaten face.

"You know, just because it's been months since I saw you doesn't mean I do not know when something burdens you. Orunmila, tell me that which eats you up,"

He leaned back with an heavy sigh before rubbing his temples, "the woman Adejoba Osun."

With a loud gasp her eyes widened the cup slipped out of her grasp in shock, it's frothy contents spilling on the floor as it shattered into several pieces.

"What?! How come?! I thought....I thought—"

"—we all thought. Wrong. We thought wrong."

"She was supposed to be dead! She was totally against gods living amongst mortals, she didn't reincarnate. She didn't—"

He groaned frustrated, "—she did. She found a way to reincarnate behind our backs. She's back, she's alive and well and she lives in that kingdom with Joba who plans to take her as his bride even though he'd discovered that she is indeed Osun. She's without her memories of the past but what do you think would happen when she remembers the past?"

Ajé grabbed her hair, almost pulling it from her scalp when she bit her lips agitatedly, "there'll be carnage! I need to visit the realms of Orisas as soon as possible."


On the third day, the sounds of drums filled the entire kingdom, the beating of gongs that heralded a grand preparation filled the air as the town-crier announced a remarkable day in history. The day when the king married a maiden.

Whispers and distant clatters echoed in all angles of the kingdom as both young and old wondered who the unfortunate maiden was, the news adding to their lists of grief.

Adejoba adjusted his crown when he admired his most beautiful royal regalia. Today he marries a woman who happened to be his sworn enemy.

"Are you sure you're not going to rethink this?" Olakunle urged.


"Not when you know she's Osun?"

"Still won't stop me. Tell the royal maids to have her ready for tonight's banquet. She needs to look as beautiful as she can be for the envy of others. My sworn brothers and sisters would be present, I personally invited them."

Adejoba was stubborn, that was obvious. He sighed before heading out of the room to the dungeon where the rabid maiden fumed in annoyance.

"Tell the king to get this off me!" She screamed at him once he'd entered.

"Why don't you tell him that yourself? Since you'd probably be spending the rest of your life with him."

"What does that mean?"

"Ask him when you see him."

He dragged her out of the room to one of the dressing rooms in the palace where some maidens stood with clothes, accessories and chalks.


"What is this? Why'd you bring me here?"

"I said, sit." He gritted out.

"No. Not until you tell me why I'm here."

Olakunle drew out his sword, brandishing it in the air he pressed the edge to her chest he saw her eyes grow wide in fear she swallowed hard, eyelids batting in frenzy.

So even the crazy woman feared death huh? Kunle scoffed, Joba would definitely soon get tired of her. 

"The only thing stopping me from killing you is the king but that will not stop me if you don't sit down there. The king wishes to have you dressed up and brought to him tonight and you shall obey him. If you don't I promise your head shall be used as an example for those who go against the king's decree."

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