Chapter nine

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"Leave it be your highness, we're here to assist you," Arike said for the umpteenth time as she tried to persuade Adunni into handing her the pestle.

"Worry not yourself. I'll do this, it was the king's wish." She insisted for the umpteenth time.

"You can make the soup, let us deal with the pounded yam." Ewa replied adamant.

The smoke-filled kitchen hosted four large adogan, big pots, several utensils that were not of their time and a marbled counter at the other end with sinks. She'd politely ordered the royal chefs to let her prepare the king's meal and they agreed, telling her his favorite meals with a smile.

After rigorously pounding the yam she fetched the king's own in a bowl, wrapping it with clothes to preserve the hotness then she let Ewa fetch the rest. She moved to the pot where the egusi and efo soup was.


She watched the king eat the meal she'd just prepared for him, his brows rose when he swallowed a few handfuls a delightful moan parted his lips.

"Your cooking puts that of my chefs to shame. Now I know why the other gods who'd married looked happy and much healthy."

She giggled at his comments, "I'm glad your majesty likes it."

"Make any one wish and I'm ready to grant you this instant."

Her smile faltered instantly and her brows kneaded together. She stared afar off he reached his hand out to hold hers.

"Adunni, you're free to request anything of me. You have pleased me tonight and I desire to make you happy."

Her eyelashes fluttered in anxiety, "anything?"

Knowing where this was going to, he nodded. "Anything."

"I wish...I wish that the king..." She paused and stared at his eyes that held burden.

"Go on my queen." He urged.

"I wish that you would be more attentive to your subjects. I wish you will let them know you more than what the rumors portrays you to be. I can tell you have a good heart somewhere within you if only you'll open up your doors to welcome these people. They crave the love of a king, they need the attention of their king, they want you to hear their cries and pleas. This I ask of you, be a good king to your people." She heaved a sigh.

His gaze contorted into an unexplainable expression she feared she must have angered him. He dropped the morsel in his hand, washed and wiped it clean with a towel beside him before he rose to his feet.

"Walk with me." He extended his hand out to her which she shakily took after a moment of thought.

They walked out of the dining room to the entrance of the hallway in silence. His hold on her hand tightened a little as they made it out of the palace with guards bowing courteously every now and then.

When they'd walked to a part of the palace where several lilies grew and fireflies illuminated, making it look enchanted he edged her forward, his arms wrapped around her waist he buried his face in her shoulders, inhaling her scent.

"You could have asked for anything. You could have asked for your freedom. Why that?" His voice was barely a whisper.

She sighed again. "Yes, I could have asked for anything else. I could have asked for my freedom but we both know that's one wish you'd never grant me."

He leaned up, stroking the nape of her neck,"because I promised to kill them?"

"That too, and also because there's no use in running from you. If we've not been married then maybe I'd have attempted that but you've bounded me to yourself." She lifted up her wrist to reveal the ivory bracelet.

"You know what it is?"

She shook her head, "no. What i do know is that it's no ordinary Oje. I feel it, but that doesn't matter. The point is, we're married. I wasn't the only maiden brought here but of all the maidens you chose me, there has to be a reason why i was chosen to be queen. I am nothing, i was nothing but yet i was chosen so rather than be ungrateful i'd rather see to the welfare of the people you're ruling over. I can't promise to love you any time soon but I'll promise to fulfill my obligations as a wife and a queen."

He exhaled, his arms tightening around her waist his lips softly kissed the sensitive spot beneath her ear, making her melt into him.

"Thank you. I promise to be a good king and husband to you. We can take things slow, I'll wait till you learn to love me."

She nodded.

"So, when you said you'd fulfill your obligations as a wife does that mean you'll sleep with me?"

"Huh?!" She hurriedly yanked his hands off her, stepping a few feet away from him she swallowed hard. "No way!"

He laughed hard at her pinched expression, "what exactly are you thinking? I was only asking if you'd sleep in my room, with me."

"Maybe your majesty should start speaking more clearly and no. I'm not sleeping in your room."

She saw him grin before he leant closer to her, his eyes dancing wickedly.

"Whatever you want, I'll do. Come here." He wrapped her in his tight embrace she inhaled his sweet scent; hickory, spice and lavender.


“couldn't find you in the palace,” Olakunle asked once the king walked into his room.

He nodded, “was spending some quality time with my queen. Tell me, does that Oje force submission?"

“no. It only binds you both together. Once you consummate the bond grows and you'll both feel eachother's emotions. Since it was made with your blood you both are connected in a way.”

He sighed before plopping down on the nearest couch. “then why is she submissive lately? I'm worried. What if she's regained her memories and is plotting her revenge?"

“then that would be trouble. You even ate the meal she prepared for you. Why did you let her? What if she poisons it?”

He shook his head disapprovingly, “she didn't. It was clean but I still have to know if she'd remembered. Hopefully the amulet would be enough to keep her powers in check for now till I find something much more stronger,”

Olakunle stared off into space for a while, he nodded briskly before a frown etched Itself on his face when he came to a conclusion.

“well, as they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Adejoba eyed him, "she's not my enemy, she's my wife."

"Only time will tell."

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