Chapter four

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After several grumblings, fuming and glaring she finally agreed. An hour later she walked out of the room, fully adorned from head to toe in royal regalia. Cowries adorned her hair, the purple and blue aso-oke complimented her delicate skin tone.

On her ankles, wrists, neck and waist sat numerous beads of white and brown. On her face where several tribal markings delicately drawn on her skin in beautiful patterns.

Olakunle nodded in contentment as he escorted her to the king's chambers. Restlessness and uneasiness plastered itself on her face with each step she took closer to the king's room.

Her heart raced furiously in her chest when she thought of the reasons why the king had dressed her up and asked for her presence in his chambers. Had he planned on killing her this way? Or was there something else he had in mind to do to her? If surely there was, she vowed to die fighting rather than let him have his way with her.

Lost in thoughts, she hadn't realized they'd reached the king's chambers until the angry-looking man beside her pulled the door open.


She glared at him like he'd said the most stupidest thing in the whole world, "I'm not going inside there alone."

Without any further words he walked back and before she could fathom what he'd tried to do he shoved her into the room, closing the door behind her.

She yelped and almost stumbled if it wasn't for the sturdy arms of someone in the room which curled around her. Panic rolled through her she nearly screamed when she struggled to yank the hands off her.

"Easy tigress. I just want to talk."

"Talk?! What part of talking included you dressing me up and luring me into your chambers? Over my dead body will you succeed in bedding me."

Whether it was the words she spoke that sounded like a joke or the way she rasped made it look funny she couldn't tell but his chest rumbled with laughter she saw the glint of excitement in his irises that couldn't decide to settle for blood-red or ember.

"Lure you? You walked here all by yourself."

"But that crazy guard of yours threatened to kill me!"

Now his brows furrowed, "and you fell for his threat? Where's that crazy maiden that had me entranced at just one glance?"

"I think even you would tremble before death."


He nodded his head. She didn't mind talking back at him even after discovering he was the most feared god of thunder who also happened to be her king, interesting. He thought.

"You're right my queen. But I swear on my honor as a diety, I will not touch you. Without your consent that is."

She scowled, eyes shooting daggers at him, "oh I'll be long gone before you even begin to think of seeking my consent,"

He hummed, "I don't think so. I made tonight just for you. But before that, do tell me, what's your name?"

She contemplated firing back an hasty reply but whoever this king was, he hardly gave up and no matter how she tried to infuriate him, all he did was get amused.


"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.You would have been the perfect embodiment of the goddess Osun, don't you think?"

"I'm a mortal so I can never compare myself to her majesty who rules the seas. Can I please go back to the dungeon you kept me? Or better still, let me go back home because I do not want to spend another moment with your arms around me."

"You'll get used to it." He muttered.

Unsure of what he'd meant and tired of him beating about the bush she asked. "Whst does that mean?"

"It means that tonight, I take you as my bride and my queen."

"No!" She shouted.

His brows creased at the unexplainable expression that had etched itself on her face.

"I've invited guests from far and wide. The whole kingdom are out there already, waiting to see me present my bride. Will you disgrace me in such manner?"

"I will never! Ever! Be your bride." She said with a solid determination behind her voice.

"Never?" He nearly flinched at her words.


He gritted his teeth in anger before a loud clap of thunder followed ensuit that made her recoil in fear. His eyes darkened and she could swear she saw flashes of lightening swimming in them. She prayed to never anger the king ever because he looked more like a scary beast when angry her heart pounded hard in her chest she whimpered when the ear deafening sounds of lightening and thunder continued to fill the air from outside.

"Your mind is made up then." He seethed, " well since you have refused to marry me I'll kill every single living and breathing creature in this kingdom. Both young and old and it'll all be on you. I'll make sure I have you watch as I burn them all to death, make you hear their screams of pain as the fire licks through their flesh. I'll make you regret saying those words."

An horrified shriek left her lips he tossed her away before plucking a long axe with a sharp edge from beside the room. With that he begun to walk out of the room but she flung herself around him.

"Please! Not the people! They have nothing to do with this," she croaked out with a brittle voice, eyes filled with tears.

"Of course they have everything to do with this, before you disgrace me in front of them, I'd rather wipe them off the surface of the earth." He shrugged her off but she held unto his feet he sighed.

"I'll do anything! Please!" She cried out.

A smile lit his face, "anything? Anything I tell you to do?"

Tears streamed down her face as she said the words that willed her over to the incarnate of Esu. "Anything...please..just don't hurt them."

Joba knew Osun could not help but intervene on behalf of the humans if he threatened her with that. Her love for the humans was her greatest weakness and he used it against her. Trying to control his excitement he wore a morbid look on his face when he turned to face her.

"You do know I cannot have a disinterested or forced bride stand before the people. If I as much as find you wearing a long face or looking as if I kidnapped you, I'll kill them all."

"I promise your majesty..I'll do all you command."

With that, he leant down and pushed her face up to himself. His heart nearly melted at the sights of her crying he cursed himself inwardly for being the cause of her tears. He caught each drop as they rolled down, wiping it clean with the pad of his fingers.

Maybe he had become too emotional or was lovestruck he couldn't tell but the next, his lips met hers in a pliant kiss her body stiffened at the gesture. As if the lightning he wielded zapped his brain he slid back to reality.

What was he thinking?! He'd only make her hate him the more. First he threatened her, now it looked like he was taking advantage of the situation. The shock on her face told him all he needed to know he cleared his throat before leaning closer to her ear.

"You were born for this. Do not fear the fire become it. Soon when you become mine, you'll thank the heavens for the decision you've made today."

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