Chapter 14

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Adejoba smiled as he fidgeted with the glass of scotch in his grasp. He recalled the moment he'd spent with his bride, how she'd moaned when he made his intentions clear to her but more importantly how she ran away from him in embarrassment at the sound she made.

He tried to tell her it was nothing to be ashamed of and that he'd loved it and needed to hear more of it but she wouldn't listen, hiding herself in the bathroom and begging him to leave.

“Are you even listening?” Olakunle grumbled. Pacing the room agitatedly.

“Honestly, I didn't hear a single thing you said.”

“I'm going to go over it again, please concentrate.”

He shrugged nonchalantly, “Go on.”

Olakunle feared Adejoba had gotten himself into a trap with his choice of wife, he'd never seen the god so shaken and distracted he wondered what it was about her that attracted him.

“We need to strengthen the border. With your wife's presence at the palace I felt it weaken.”

The king's gaze hardened, “Why were you trying to kill my wife?”

“Kill?! Did she say so? That i tried to kill her?”

“No, but your position was compromising. How could you do that to your queen?”

He rolled his eyes, “I tried telling her nicely to leave but she was too stubborn. I had to put fear in her. You know I stand to lose my powers if she endangers those relics or causes a breach in the barrier. You know the consequences of a light mortal in the death realm.”

“She's no mortal.”

“She's no god either. Yet. Till she comes into her full power. Her life can be endangered if she goes near that palace again, I was just trying to protect her.”

Adejoba nodded in agreement to what he'd said. He knew the horrors that lied in the palace he'd restricted every mortal from reaching. People from the human world saw the men who guarded the first palace as men but they were demons, underlings with no soul in them. And the secret they'd guarded in the second palace could unleash unspeakable evil if freed.

“Okay. I'll explain to her and make her see reasons why she should never go near that place ever again but go easy on her, she's a naivety and knows nothing of the godhood yet.” he tsked, “That being said, the gods are holding a soiree at Oren's, come with me.” he motioned towards the couch closer to him to sit.

Olakunle slid into the seat, fetching himself a glass of the liquor staring at him. Adejoba knew he hardly drank, but when he did it only meant he was worried.

“I won't go with you, your majesty.”

“You hurt my feelings Olakunle. How do you want me to survive in a room filled with those gods that secretly wants my life?”

“They hate me more than they hate you.”

Adejoba groaned in dismay, concurring to his statement,“ I'll never let them hurt you. I promise. You know I won't hesitate to kill anyone who dares lay a hand on you. And frankly speaking, no one can, they're basically scared of you. They even nicknamed you the devil.” he chuckled in amusement.

“I cannot tell if that's a complement or an insult.”

Adejoba laughed this time at his remarks, squeezing his eyes shut when images of his queen shivering from his mere touch came passing through he shifted in his seat, struggling to keep his hard-on hidden as it strained against the confines of his pants.

“Do you need my expertise with the whole thing you have going on?”

“Expertise, you say. In what way can you put said skills to use?”

He pointed at his raging member, “For one, I know your preference. If the queen doesn't indulge your needs, let another fulfill your desires.”

The king pondered hard on his suggestion, he needed relief, he needed to free himself of the passion burning deep down inside him. Hell, he wanted to feel a woman's body beneath him. He recalled his little clandestine affair with Oba at the wedding, he'd been deprived the pleasure he craved.

“What do you suggest?”

He raised a brow, “I could set up an harem just for your pleasure. it'll consist of nothing but the best, fully packed with exotic women. The queen will understand since it's only right for a king to have his royal concubines.”

He laughed at his words, “No. I will bear this suffering until she finds me a worthy man to share her bed with. I don't need anyone else, all I want is Adunni. Only she can quench this raging flames of desire inside of me.”


The next morning, Adunni sat right in front of the mirror, heat creeping into her cheeks when images of the king caressing her body raced through her mind like wildfire she smiled, giggling like a child.

“You're in a good mood today, your majesty.” Arike chirped happily from behind her where she stood decking her hair in beads and cowries.

“I don't know, I guess I am.” she mumbled.

“Would her majesty like to share with me? Why you're excited?"

She blushed, palming her face from embarrassment, “A lot happened yesterday, a lot.”

She spoke again in a singsong manner, “Did you see the king yesterday?"

The queen nodded, recalling how he'd carried her in his arms all the way to her room from the other palace. She'd ran to hide when he began to make her feel things she thought she wouldn't for him, she wanted to feel his sturdy arms around her, hear him breath as he drawled out his words against her skin. Her hand moved instinctively towards where he'd marked her skin with his kisses, covering her in spots and bruising her with his oh-so-sweet touch.

Arike gasped when she noticed the hickeys on her necks and shoulders, “Oh my world! The king did this to you?”

Adunni nodded.

Arike cheered excitedly.

“can I..can I ask you something?”

“Yes my queen! Anything.”

She contemplated telling her but thought it best to since the girl had been more like a friend, “What..what does it mean when a man says he wants a woman?”

Arike gasped again.

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