Chapter 18

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Tearing his lips away from hers, he shrugged the silk off his body, replacing it back on hers in no time. Enjoying her delectable sounds as he kneaded her mounds that fit perfectly in his grasp.

With ragged breaths, their lips moved in sync to the drum of desire she pulsed beneath him. Her body clung to his, moulding into one she squirmed from his touch that unnerved her.

Tilting her head back, he gently caressed her skin with his lips she shuddered underneath. She was finally his. Body, mind and soul Adunni arched her back for him when he suckled upon her bosom, favouring it with a bite.

“Oba!..” she cried out in throes of pleasure.

His name was a pliant plea on her lips, spurring him on he continued to lick, suck and bite as he shuffled between both of the delightful meal presented to him.

She whimpered, clinching her thighs around him as she seemed some form of friction but he didn't keep her waiting for too long. Before she could register his intentions, he slid a finger into her while the other pressed against her hot button.

“The gods!” she trembled from the intrusion, shutting her eyes tight.

Adejoba grunted at her snugness as she sucked him in, pulsing around his finger with need. Her slickness coated his hand he spoke,

“Open your eyes, Adunni. Tell me you want this.”

She nodded. Thrashing against him and needing some relief. “I need this...Oba..i need you.”

He smiled against her flesh, liking How smooth his name rolled off her lips, the melodies she made when he began to push into her in a steady rhythm she responded to as she clenched him.

“You sing pretty my queen.”

He groaned, slipping his fingers out of her she gasped at the sudden loss. He sucked at his fingers that glistened she grunted in annoyance.

“No Oba, don't stop.” Adunni whined from her failed attempt to put him back where she wanted him.

He laughed at her words, “Who said I was stopping?”

Crawling downwards, he nestled himself between her thighs she flinched in surprise but his sturdy arms held her still.

"What are you doing?!" She shrieked.

“Pleasuring you.”

Before she could speak again, his tongue darted out fast, swirling around her hardened nub she jolted forward. Symphony of his mouth on her was a sight to behold. She could almost swear he took her to heaven and back with his neverending orchestrations on her.

The king revelled in her songs of ecstasy, wanting nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her, body and soul. She was right for him, he was right for her. She was water, he was fire. She was his sense of reasoning as he was her destruction. Yin and yang, the perfect fit.

He craved to carve out his name on her, body and soul, to etch his mark on every inch of her, to claim her for himself. And even as she squirmed beneath him, crying out his name and screaming out her pleasure, he continued to assault her with wave after waves till it became to much she went near rigid as she peaked.

“Oba...I...uh... can't...take.. I'll... Adejoba!..”

She erupted with a loud wail, spasming against his mouth which continued to suckle all she had to give, bursts after bursts, his tongue trailed within her slit, lapping her up hungrily as she gushed.

She panted, dragging air into her lungs. Before she dropped down from her high, she hardly noticed the king's absence. Then he reappeared again, hovering just above her, this time, naked from waist down with his lips glossed with her juices she shied away from him, curling up in embarrassment.

“Don't do that, Adunni..” he groaned. “If we're going to do this, I need you to be comfortable with me. I'll go down on you as long as you want me to, you taste so good I could do this for the rest of eternity. But,”

His firm grasp wound themselves around her thighs he dragged her further to the edge of the bed she yelped, earning her an hearty laughter from him. “When you do that, looking away from me, it makes me feel like I've just committed a sin by tasting you.”

“I don't know...It felt so–”

“–good you want to do it again?”

She nodded. “I cannot look at you my king, not when you over your lips.”

Adejoba grinned, loving how much he affected her, she was aroused by him. Something he thought was impossible. He gripped her chin roughly, forcing her to look at him her chest heaved.

“I want your eyes on me, my queen.”

She nodded again like an hapless child. “Do I make you feel this way too?”

She flattened her palm against his chest in anticipation of his response. Her touch alone made him throb painfully. He gently caressed her fingertips with his, working them down his chest till he made her palm him.

Her eyes widened. He was almost as stiff as a wood, his sleekness dripped down his length he shuddered when she touched him, thrusting his hips forward to earn her strokes.

“My king... you're–”

“–hard for you.” he growled into her ears when he leaned closer, kissing at the flesh just above her collar bone. His breath was ragged, he was almost at the edge of his own desires. “Touch me.. Adunni, please touch me... I'm going to die if you don't.”

His pleas did unfathomable things to her she pulsed at his words. He felt so vulnerable in the moment, overcame by his wants and needs that overwhelmed him. She smiled, letting her instincts take over as she stroked him.

Adejoba quivered under her touch, surrendering control with each feathery stroke. He shifted in and out of bliss, nearing his climax, needing more than what her fragile hand offered.

Her hand curled around the nape of his neck when his head fell to her chest. Deep throaty groans followed series of grunts but it all came to an end when he jerked back, pinning her hands at the top of her head at lightning speed, the crimson in his eyes darkened when they dilated completely from lust.

“Let me in you.” he ordered with a voice so full of power and determination. Pressing himself against her apex she gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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