Chapter twelve

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Adunni grunted in annoyance for the umpteenth time as the king easily flung her sword out of her grasp. When he'd said 'have you all to myself' she hadn't thought he meant sparring for three hours straight.

"You're too slow, stop holding the sword that tight," he said with a stern voice when she stopped to gasp for air, her entire body hurt, it cried out in exhaustion.

"I didn't ask for this,"

His head whipped back when he rolled into series of laughter, "you said you could wield a sword."

She snapped, "I said I wasn't good."

"That's why I want to teach you."

In a flash he stood right behind her, he held her waist with a hand while the other grabbed the sword in her grasp, helping her position the blade.

She wanted to complain about him touching her, she wanted to find faults with his hand on her but she just couldn't. She found herself relaxing into his touch which each passing moment.

"Don't let the weight of the sword pull you, control it. Make your arms relaxed, become one with the blade, only then can you balance it's strength."

She nodded and did as told, squealing when she noticed she could control it's weight.

"I like what you did in the court room. You've made me proud, I would like you to join my cabinet. Be beside me in the throne room, I could use some help with the people."

She bit her bottom lip,“would his Majesty permit me to think about it? I would not like to make an hasty decision."

“take all the time you need. Any decision you make is fine by me. The physician would be coming tomorrow to check on you"

“why?" Adunnni asked, puzzled, exhaling sharply.

His fingers played with the hem of her dress, lingering just beneath her breasts that were already beginning to react to their closeness.

Oblivious to the reactions his nibbling on her ear was starting to rouse, he spoke. “the elders have picked a date. The physician would merely do some little diagnosis to be sure you're fit and your maids would get you prepared.

She broke free from his touch when the haze had begun to clear from her mind.“i do not understand, your majesty. What date did they pick and what am I being prepared for?”

Adejoba folded his arms to his chest nonchalantly, “to consummate our marriage"


The queen paced her quarters in anxiety. Him talking about consummation so casually like it had meant nothing before walking out annoyed her the most. She was in no way ready to be bedded by him, not when she couldn't make place of her feelings.

He'd been away for his royal duties since they'd returned from sparring making her wait impatiently for his arrival. The door to her room creaked open and Arike walked in.

"Has the king returned?” she inquired.

“he has."

"Take me to his room."

Arike gasped, "you cannot see his majesty unless he asks for your presence!"

She tilted her head towards Arike, her gaze holding something unfathomable that almost made the maid fall to her feet in fear.

"I am queen and I demand the presence of his majesty the king!"

"Only the king's guard can take you to the king's chambers. We or anyone is not allowed to go beyond the second palace." She concluded matter of factly.

Adunnni pondered on the issue at hand, she adjusted the silk tunic that clung to her body every now and then, pulling at the little fabric managing to hold her bosom and revealing too much skin.

"Then go get his guard. Tell him I wish to speak to his majesty."

"Ah! Nobody dares to speak to Olakunle. Ever heard of the incarnate of Esu, that is what he is.."

The queen could see fright clearly plastered on the maiden's face. She'd thought Adejoba was the only feared being around the palace, but his guard had quite the reputation himself. Remembering when he'd threatened to take her head off her shoulders, her fingers darted up instinctively to rub at the nape of her neck.

"What do we do?" Adunnni yielded. Asking the maid to fetch her the king's guard was similar to asking for their execution.

" should talk to him. He would listen to you."

"What makes you think he would? That man listens to no one except the king!"

"He would listen to you. You are the queen and also under the king's protection, I do not think he'll try to do anything irrational or hurt you."

She hummed. That had been true. She'd seen him hone some restraint when she'd managed to annoy him on the day of the wedding. If talking to him would get her an audience with the king then she was willing to take her chances.

"Take me to him then."


Adunnni and Her train of maids strutted hurriedly to the training grounds where luckily, Olakunle was just getting ready to leave. He'd worn some kind of tight fitting combat attire she'd never seen that had also seemed out of place in the era they were.

A few buttons were popped open to reveal perfectly toned muscles and sinews that flexed as he swung his sword gracefully through the air.

The moment he sighted her, his lips curled up in annoyance, his forehead crinkling. Adunnni could tell he loathed her as much as she did him.

Forcing a curt bow, he spoke through gritted teeth, "I believe her majesty isn't here to watch me train, so why have you come?"

"Where is the king?"

"I'm not his keeper. Aren't you his wife? Shouldn't you know where he is?"

"What do you mean you're not his keeper? You're his personal guard, are you not?"

"Guard? You think I'm guarding the king?" He scoffed, turning back to pick a bow from the rack of weapons displayed across the training ground. "Anything else you have to say?"

Her chest heaved when she bit back an hasty response,"I want to see the king. Take me to him."

"You're not allowed past the little palace, you're not allowed here either. I bet it's best you leave."

He glowered at her. She shivered when his lifeless eyes dwelled on hers. The pitch black in them seeming to pull away at her soul. In his eyes were a million weapons of torment- almost like a mini doorway to hell..

She stuttered, "I...I am your queen and I demand you take me to his majesty or-"

"-or what?!" He snapped, "go back to your room, woman."

"You know what?! I'll find my own way there if you refuse to take me to him!"

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