Chapter eight

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The eight maids walked behind her as they navigated through the massive palace hallway with the king's guards. When they reached a certain door the guards stopped, heralded her arrival and after a few minutes the door pulled open, revealing a massive feasting hall that served as the king's dining room.

The king sat on a chair carved with several traditional symbols, the robe he had on was loose and bared his chest that boasted a perfect body frame; broad shoulders, rock-hard abs, toned muscles and a fair skin with several freckles littered here and there. 

Beside him on the table was his guard that had threatened to kill her prior to their wedding. His short curly hair sheened with oil, his skin a slightly darker shade to that of the king, his lips plump and pink he sported a firm, chiseled jaw that looked like they'd been sculpted by the best of hands.

But his eyes were the scariest; black with no shade of white present, eyes lifeless and void of any emotions.

"Are you coming in or not?" He snapped.

Adunni jolted on her feet, "forgive me your majesty." She reeled back on her feet to face her maids. "please, you do not have to wait for me. Go back to the room and get some rest."

They stared fearfully at the king, shaking their heads in disagreement. "No, your highness. We shall await you right here."

Seeing the fear in their eyes she decided they wouldn't budge, she sighed and turned back, entering into the room.

When she'd gotten closer to the rows of chairs that had a table in the middle he motioned his hand towards the chair beside him which she docily inclined to.

When she'd sat he passed her an Isaasun with hot amala and another with ewedu soup and bushmeats of sorts.

Adunni stared at the food for several minutes until his voice echoed fiercely in the room.


"Yes your majesty."

"Will you just say yes to everything I say?" He asked irritated.

She bowed her head, "yes your majesty."

The slamming of his hand on the table made her body jerked and trembled. He washed his hand in the bowl of water on the table, leaning back on the chair.

"Now you've made me lose my appetite." He growled out.

"I'm sorry, your—"

"—if you call me that one more time I'll seriously snap your neck. I'm your husband! You're not obliged to address me formally while we're alone."

She swallowed hard, remembering what Arike had told her earlier. If her actions would put the entire kingdom into an unintended calamity then she had vowed to tread cautious with the king.

"What do I call you then?" She said with slight annoyance.

"Call me by my name."

"I do not recall asking your name."

A flicker of smile graced his face before he leant sideways, admiring how beautiful she looked for his eyes only.

"You do not know your king's name?"

She tried to resist an hasty reply, "forgive me but the people only know you as the king slayer."

This time his lips quirked up into a wide grin, a mischievous glint passed through his eyes he nodded sagely.

"Please call me Adejoba. I do have some important matters to discuss with you but first eat. I heard you had nothing to eat all through your stay at the dungeon, neither did you agree to eat anything yesterday after the marriage so please, eat."

What she had on her mind was far too heavy for her to even care about food, not when her life just got worse by the second. Not wanting to provoke the king, she washed her hand and started to eat. 


Adejoba stared in amazement when she devoured her third plate of amala, he could also see the surprise on Olakunle's face. Her eyelashes fluttered in embarrassment she hurriedly washed her hands, head dropping he leaned closer, lifting her chin up.

"This is your home my queen. You can eat as much as you want."

He poured her a bowl of water which she happily downed and as she did, Olakunle rose to his feet and walked out.

"Thank you your maje—i mean, my husband, for the meal."

He hummed, "well, I believe you'll be the one preparing tonight's meal right?"

"Eh?" Thrown aback by his words she snapped her gaze to his.

"It's only right if the queen prepares the king's meal."

The door opened and the palace maids cleared the table, leaving just the jar of water before walking back out.

She stared at him for a moment before finally speaking out since by law she was expected to cook for her husband and see to his well being. The man who accidentally happened to be her husband seemed gentle, perhaps there was more to him than the rumors foretold?

Apart from killing the king and abducting the maidens for marriage, threatening her with the lives of innocent citizens and having her marry him against her will there was absolutely nothing else he'd done that made her hate him as much as she did.

She was torn between letting the anger and hatred she felt for him fester and cause damages or accept the fact that she was now a married woman with an husband and was also the queen of thousands of people with several responsibilities on her shoulders.

Adunni could try to not act hostile towards him since he was also trying to be kind and nice but she was in no way ready to accept him as her husband—yet.

"You're right, kabiyesi."

"So, tell me dear queen. How did my guards take you? I still cannot begin to understand how they succeeded in bringing you here."

Was he trying to taunt her? She was defenseless at that moment and also knew it was treason to kill the king's guard nor did she plan to risk her life by using magic which still eventually put her in trouble.

"I'm but a woman, I couldn't fight off that much men. Besides, my sword skill isn't that good yet."

He gasped, "you can use the sword?"

"And the bow too."

His eyes glimmered like a child's own who had just gotten a sweet treat, his mouth dropped wide he blinked, leaning closer.

"I knew you were a rare gem. Would you spar with me one of these days?"

She gazed at him as surprise made it's way into her slightly impassive expression,"If your majesty wants but don't get your hopes high, you might be disappointed."

He chuckled. No. He could never be disappointed, not with her. She was like an onion, with different shades of mystery he could spend eternity exploring.

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