Chapter 13

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Disregarding his warnings, Adunni proceeded to the palace, to defying the god's orders. She rushed through the corridor, not bothering to acknowledge the greetings of the guards who regarded her with respect. She had frantically rushed in into the palace, to Olakunle's chagrin.

Halfway through the hall, she nearly stumbled over when she suddenly met him at the other end of the path.

“How did you make it here so fast?!”

He scoffed, “You cannot go past that place. Leave while I'm being nice. Wouldn't want to hurt our little princess here, would we?”

She blinked in disbelief. “Pri.. princess?! I'm...i'm your queen!” she stuttered, babbling incoherent words.

He hummed, talking fast strides towards her. When he got in front of her, his fingers brushed some imaginary trails of hair from her face she gasped at the contact, her eyelashes fluttering frantically when he tilted his head to a side.

His fingers travelled from her cheeks to her lips she stood tranfixed and unmoving like she'd been entranced.

“My queen.” he grunted. “Does it excite you? Does the title excite you, my queen?” even as he said those words, his gaze remained indifferent.

His question was more of a sarcasm her mouth parted in response but could form no words when the soft pad of his thumb continued to graze her lips.

“I just want to see the king.” she breathed.

Before she could process what he'd wanted to do next, his hand wrapped around her throat, not enough to choke her but enough to pass his warnings.

“The next time you come here, I'll kill you myself. Even your precious king will not be able to stop me when I tear you limb from limb.”

“Let me go!” she struggled to break free from his grasp.

Her body shuddered at his words. He meant it, every bit of it. She could feel the sincerity in his words as she stared into his cold eyes.

"Unhand her." An irritated voice echoed through the hallway.

Olakunle's gaze snapped towards the entrance only to be faced by an annoyed Adejoba. He smirked, unfazed by the king's anger.

"She shouldn't be here."

Adejoba tried to control the anger that was beginning to simmer inside of him. She shouldn't be there but he had no right to hold his woman in a death grip. He hurried towards their direction, watching how she fought to free herself from his hold, pushing away from him.

“My king,” she whispered.

“Let her go, for my sake. I'll make sure she never set foot here again.” when he wouldn't budge he spoke again, “Olakunle, listen to your king."

He hesitated for a while before concluding, “Fine. Take her away, your majesty.” his hand slid free from her neck she gasped in relief.

Rushing over to the king's side, Adejoba gathered her into his arms while she wrapped herself around him. Adunni placed her head to his chest as they walked over to the other palace.

Ignoring their greetings, the maid and guard rushed out of his path when they saw him approaching. When he'd gotten to her room, he pushed open the door and slowly lowered her unto the bed.

“Did he hurt you?” he inquired. His expression marred with worry.


Frankly, she couldn't even tell what he did to her. Yes he'd held her throat, his hold was rough but not to kill her but almost like he'd intended to dominate her. Their close proximity, his touch did things her, things she could never tell to anyone. Not even the king.

His countenance relaxed when he exhaled in relief. “You could have relayed your message to him.”

She scoffed. “When I asked him where you were he said he wasn't your guard! He hates me.”

Adejoba laughed, his crimson irises twinkling with amusement.“He doesn't. He just takes his job seriously.”

His countenance relaxed when he exhaled in relief. “ Why did you go there? I requested you stay away from there.”

She whimpered. “I didn't see you. I wanted to speak with you.”

“Was it that urgent? That you couldn't wait for my arrival?” the bed dipped from his weight as he climbed further up, leaning against the headboard he pulled her towards himself, his fingers rubbing soothing circles around the area of her neck she relaxed into him, sighing.

“It was.”

“Tell me.” he replied.

Her mind now hazy, she struggled to remember why she'd gone in search of him in the first place. Why she'd crossed path with that devil of a man.

“it's.. about what you said. Earlier.”

Adejoba hummed. He peppered her shoulder with feathery kisses, roaming to the nape of her neck.

“I said a lot of things earlier, Adunni. Remind me, which one?”

Her head tilted back on it's own accord to give him more access, she felt her insides tightening from a foreign sensation. His surprisingly soft palm marked the outline of her body, memorizing each curve.

“you said....the chiefs... about us.” she rasped, words coming out short and punctuated.

He chuckled against her skin he tried to keep his hands to himself, fighting the urge to want to touch every inch of her, raw and hidden.

“The consummation?” he sucked at her skin, nipping the spot that was sure to have an hickey.

She nodded.

“It's no big deal. We'll just have to act. We don't necessarily need to do anything. Although I'd love to spend eternity buried deep inside you.”

She felt a shiver run down her spine a needy cry parted her lips.“Act? How?”

“You know. Pretend to be intimate. We don't necessarily need to pretend, don't you think? I know I promised to wait till you're ready and i'm trying to hold still. I cannot continue to see you and not want to touch you, I can't help it Adunni. You're denying me access to your body. I want you, don't you want me?”

He felt himself growing at every touch, every contact he needed to feel her body against his, feel the warmth she provided, feel her writh beneath him.

His words unnerved her. She moaned out.

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