Chapter five

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The joyful sounds of celebration filled the entire kingdom. Sweet aromas of different delicacies filled the air and the sounds mortars made when the women struck the pounded yam inside it with the pestle echoed around the palace.

The palace courtyard had been packed full with villagers from far and wide before it was even twilight. The villagers sat on the wooden logs that surrounded the whole arena and in the middle several performers stood ready to perform. The seat of the gods were arranged in a separate place whilst the king's throne stood tall. Opposite his was a portion prepared for the bride and family.

The beating of gangan, bata, dundun, and agogo—the traditional drums resounded off the walls of the palace whilst some young men and women danced the famous bata dance.

Having inquired if she had any family members that could offer her hand out in marriage she'd said she was an orphan but had a few motherly and fatherly figures from her parent's lineage which he hastily ordered they be fetched.

Adejoba laughed when he recalled how she made him promise on his honor as a god that he'd never threaten her with killing the people after their marriage he'd solemnly sworn. His word was his bond anyways and he had no reason to threaten her with that after she'd become his woman.

Some of the gods he'd invited; Ogun, Erinle, Osoosi, Oba, Obàtálá, Yemoja, Oko were present already, eating and drinking and enjoying the scenery with a pleased smile on their faces.

Until Oba took it upon herself to walk over to his chambers. With a small knock she barged in, looking as beautiful as ever with a sultry smile on.

Her crown perched itself on her head and her bluish-gold gown that looked out of place in a medieval dynasty flowed behind her and ornate jewelries adorned her neck and ears.

Her brown doe eyes shone brightly as her tongue darted out to sweep across the seams of her lips. Her dimples popped out every now and then when she smiled. 

"Oba." He curtesied from where he sat with his crown beside him.

"How long has it been? A decade or two? Which should I call you? The former or the latter?"

"Adejoba. I'm glad you could make it."

She smiled sweetly again before sitting beside him on the bed, "you're getting married?"


"I'd always thought you'd pick me again when it was time for you to choose a bride but I was wrong."

He frowned. "We couldn't work back then, what made you think we could work now?"

"A girl can hope. Don't you think? Who is she?"

That was a question he wasn't willing to answer. There was no way he was letting anyone know the bride he had taken was Osun or he'd have a war on his hands with every god who deemed it fit to find every means to turn her against him.

"A maiden from my kingdom,"

"She must be beautiful to have caught your attention."

"Indeed. She—" before he could finish his words Oba locked lips with him in an heated kiss he shrugged her off. "I called you here to bless our marriage, not to rekindle old flames."

She placed his hand on her bosom, "it's just a kiss, nothing more. Except you want something more? No one has to know."

"I'm getting married." He countered.

"Still no harm done. She doesn't have to know. It'll be between us. Just you and i."

He couldn't remember when last he'd been with a woman. Oba was beautiful and was here for him, there was nothing wrong with him having her for just a while. But he was getting married, his bride would be his but could he really touch her? He'd gotten her thus far with a threat, with what would he make her his?

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