Chapter eleven

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The queen proceeded to asking the couples series of questions which the king and his cabinet had not bothered to ask the couples, it would have been unruly to pass judgment without having clear facts.

"Do you admit to your wife's accusations of you knowing of your current situation?"

"I.." The man stood transfixed, his fixated gaze shifting from the floor to the crowd.

"Your queen asked a question and I expect an answer," the king said after several minutes of silence.

"Yes my king. I knew I was impotent even before I married her."

Shouts echoed through the crowd as they commented on the despicable manner in which the man had cheated his wife. The wife on the other hand sighed, pulling her son to herself.

"Did you still love him after finding out?" The queen asked the wife.

"Of course! That was why I did what I did,"

Adunni turned to the king, "The woman's only mistake was her act of infidelity while the man's own was lying to her even from the very beginning. The foundation of their marriage was built on lies and it was sure to crumble at any given moment. A lot of things require correction and I hope after the king's judgment they'd adhere to those corrections needed."

Adejoba stared at his queen in adoration, he fought to contain his happiness but it was all to no avail when he couldn't help but smile as she held his gaze.

"My king?"

He cleared his throat, "oh, yes." His face suddenly turned serious, "If both parties are willing to continue with the marriage they will either forfeit every right over the son belonging to another man if the husband is not pleased with having another man's child as his but, both parties have to consent to it. If they choose to keep the child they must ensure that an agreement is made between both parties and the rightful father of the son and he must be willing to let go of his rights and claims to the child."

The king paused and stared at the couple, "but if both parties are no longer willing to continue with the marriage the woman must return every single dime and penny he paid as her bride price down to every single provisions brought for both the marriage and introduction while the man on the other hand is entitled to give her half of his farmland if he has any, half of his properties and livestocks if he has any. If he is a hunter he must continue to offer one-tenth of his kill to his wife as punishment for his lies and deceit until she says otherwise, but if he is a farmer he must offer one-tenth of the money earned from selling the farm produce."

Series of gasps echoed through the crowd at the king's judgment, the couple's mouth fell wide open in shock as they gazed at the king. Adejoba saw the man's lips twitch in an attempt to fight back an objection he smirked smugly, his judgment seemed ludicrous but it was only fitting for their crimes.

"Do you have any objections?" He inquired.

Nearly panicking the man spoke, "Yes your majesty. I'm fine with giving her half of everything but one-tenth of my hunt until she says otherwise?! What if she doesn't?!"

"Insolence! How dare you yell at the king?" The prime minister, Ayobami who was the eldest amongst the chiefs spoke.

"I dare not! Forgive me your majesty." He fell to his knees.

Adejoba's brows rose and a frown tainted his gorgeous face, "You weren't expecting a light punishment, were you? If she doesn't say otherwise then you must continue to bring it to her home yourself. Note, I didn't say you should or you will, I said you must. It's an order and a decree. Case closed."

"Kabiyesi oh!" The whole court fell to their feet, applause raged through the hall and the people smiled, pleased with the king's fair judgment. Those who witnessed the decree joyfully awaited the moment when they would step out of the palace and spread the news to the rest of the villagers who hadn't been chanced to come.

             ~    ~    ~    ~

The king walked through the hallway in silence with his wife behind him. Since the court had closed for the day he'd said nothing to her except when he'd asked her to follow him. Adunni feared she might have angered the king with her meddlesome attitude.

She heaved a burdened sigh, when he got to a passageway he pulled at one torch hanging close to the wall and the bricks rearranged, revealing a secret passage. If it wasn't for the fear that was starting to eat away at her soul she would have marveled at the sights.

Golden torches lined the walls and carved sculptures of lions stood on ether sides of the staircase, as they descended to the bottom which looked like an open arena a sculpture of the king with his double-edged axe on one hand and a lightning bolt on the other stood tall in the empty space she nearly scoffed.

The image was crafted with pure gold, that much she could tell, while the crown on it's head was adorned with expensive stones.

She hadn't noticed him move but he appeared right in front of her, holding two swords before tossing one at her, to which she caught swiftly mid air.

"My king..why did you give me a sword?"

He said nothing, His head merely tilted to a side and he examined her for a while then slowly he began to walk towards her with an impassive expression.

Adejoba was no ordinary god, that much she could tell, his strong and powerful aura enveloped her, almost knocking the air out of her lungs and with each step he took he dominated her, prying away her bravado and forcing fear into her.

"Your..your majesty?" She croaked.
He stalked towards her like a predator to it's prey, strobes of lightening flickered on his fingers when he approached her she nearly cowered from fright. Her legs trembled, almost turning into jelly she walked back with each step he took until she felt her back against the wall, the sword dropping out of her grasp, and in a swift he stood right in front of her, lightning engulfing him.

Her knees caved in and she fell to the floor, worshipping and revering him when his presence became too excruciatingly painful to bear. His power and aura was coercing her submission she whimpered under it's effect.

When he finally neared he leant down, cupping her chin and lifting her face up to his, hot and cold shivers chased themselves down her spine, sweat trickled down her forehead.

Lightning flashed in his eyes she clamped her hand together, stretching it towards him with a bow in reverence.

"Look at me," he said softly.

"I dare not look into the eyes of a god."

He chuckled amused, "thankfully this god is your husband so look at me."

Slowly she lifted up her head and when her gaze met his the red in them had returned and a playful smirk had dwelled on his lips
His hands covered hers and he patted it before he helped her back to her feet.

Her lips twisted into a scowl as his grin widened, "what did you do that for?!"

"To see if you would cower. I'd be a useless god if I cannot make you fall to your knees, wouldn't I? Now that I have confirmed what I wanted to, I can now have you all to myself."

His hand grasped her waist and pulled her to his body she gasped in surprise, his hot breath fanned her neck before he trailed kisses down her shoulders.

"What are you doing my king?!"

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