Chapter six

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The celebrations continued on through the night and her eight maids that had been gifted to her followed her back to the chambers that had been prepared for them.

Stepping into the room once her feet had been washed she sat on the bed that seemed nothing like any she'd seen in the kingdom, it was soft with wooly blankets and fluffy pillows. Adunni awaited what her fate would be at the king's arrival when he returned from seeing his guests off.

She stared at the bracelet on her wrist, knowing fully well that the Oje was no ordinary one. He'd binded her to himself one way or the other and she was doomed for eternity.

Shredding off the elaborate dresses she eased herself into a far more comfortable tunic, finally glad the day was over she sobbed quietly before curling herself up into a ball.


Back in the king's private quarters he and the rest of the gods who still waited behind for the galore drank palm wine with roasted chicken.

Several animal hides decorated the walls from the king's previous hunt. Then a purple and gold wallpaper attached to the wall made the room look nothing close to medieval. Modern Victorian sofas and a glass table complemented the room while a mini bar sat just right behind the door with several expensive liquor.

Ogun picked a bottle of scotch from the shelf, popping off it's cap. "Anyone care for something other than palmwine? I've had enough of that."

They all raised their glasses—except Adejoba of course who chewed the last bit of the chicken laps in his plate.  After Ogun had poured Obàtálá, Erinle, Oba, Oko and Osoosi part of the liquor he turned to face the king.

"You're not drinking?"

He shook his head disinterested, "had enough."

Oko chuckled, "he wants to be of sane mind when he does it with his queen."

There was series of laughters which only infuriated Adejoba the more. His queen would want nothing to do with him, he wondered why he felt so drawn to her when they'd only just met for two days. Not to mention that she'd been his archenemy, yet, that hadn't been enough to make him lose interest in her. Now he'd gotten her where he'd wanted, he just had to make her like him.

"I have to leave now. Have fun all you want but don't break any of my stuffs."

"Make sure it's a twin!" Obàtálá jeered when Adejoba had almost neared the door.

He turned back, shot him a glare before storming out of the room. Halfway down the hallway a voice called out to him.

"Joba, wait!"

He groaned, rubbing his temples."what do you want now?"

When she'd gotten close enough to him she held unto his hand, her eyes glowing with a hint of something he had no interest in figuring out.

"What's really going on? You don't seem too eager to consummate your marriage tonight."

"Look, I'm tired and I'm stressed. Don't burden me with your foolish questions woman."

She merely just smiled. "That is so you Joba. You act all stubborn but in the end, you'll come back to me."

His gaze hardened into a scowl he pushed her further from himself her eyes fell wide as saucers in shock at his hostile behavior.

"First, in here I am king so do not address me so casually, you address me with respect. Secondly, just because we had a thing earlier doesn't mean something else would happen between us. Refrain from stopping me if you only have useless things in mind to talk about. Thirdly, I want you gone before sunrise."

He ended with a voice so frigid she nearly whimpered. He didn't bother to watch her reactions, he turned on his feet and walked away.

"You can't get rid of me Adejoba! You will come back to me, I promise you!" He heard her shout from behind him.


Sometime during the night she felt the bed dip and strong warm hands wrapped itself around her, pulling her into the curve of it's body. She woke up with a petrified gasp, almost shrieking when she felt his bare skin.

"Shush my queen. I promised and I'm not breaking that. Just stay this way, close to me." He murmured half-asleep, his voice gravelly. 

Trying to struggle free from his hold—which proved impossible she stilled with heart racing frantically she cursed the day she was forcefully brought to the palace. Her chest heaved and finally sleep caught off with her she slowly drifted away into an heavy slumber.

The distant chirping of birds and the crowing of cocks mingled with giggles and chatters drifted her back to consciousness she yawned, rubbing her eyes with the back of her palms.

Her eyes flew open and she nearly shouted at the sights of eight maidens gathered beside the bed then memories of the unfortunate events of yesterday flew through her mind like a nightmare she sat against the headboard whilst the maidens fell to their knees.

"Good morning your highness." They curtesied.

She sighed, "good morning, please rise to your feet. Do not address me as 'your highness' I'm not. Call me Adunni instead."

They gasped unanimously in shock, "we wouldn't dare your highness! The king will have our heads!"

Speaking of king. She'd remembered him sleeping behind her last night. With whose permission did he barge into her room? That mannerless idiot, she cursed inwardly.

"The king. Where is he?"

"He said to tell you that he had to attend an urgent meeting with the chiefs. He asked us to have you prepared, his majesty wishes to have breakfast with you."

"What are your names?"

"Oyin, Sewa, Wura, Kemi, Ike, Asake, Wumi and my name is Arike." She said the names, pointing at each of them.

Adunni stared at the girl who seemed to be the oldest of them all, her hair had been tied up in a style popular amongst the girls. Her long eyelashes added to the beauty of her obsidian eyes. Her smooth ebony skin looked nothing like that of a maid she was tempted to ask but resisted.

"Well, tell the king that I shall reject the meeting."

"You cannot refuse his majesty. Please your highness, he's your husband and law demands you obey him. Not only that, he's king."

She scoffed, husband in deed. "Tell him exactly as I've said."

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