Chapter seven

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The warm water in the royal bathtub which also looked like nothing she'd seen eased the stress and tension that was building deep inside her. She leaned back in the tub built to host at least four people, the bubbles shielding part of her flesh she sighed when her head rested upon the edge.

Not until the door flung open and a fuming Adejoba rushed in in a robe? She let out a shriek, palming whatever she could of her exposed body. Grabbing the shampoo container she hurled it at him.

"Are you crazy?! Jade!" She screamed.

He scowled, catching the container with ease. "Since you will not come to me, i have decided to come to you."

"Do you lack respect for women or are you just without manners?! Can you not see that I'm bathing?!"

"So? Are you not my wife? Until when do you plan to hide yourself from me?"

She eyed him, "for as long as I live. Now get. Out."

If she thought he'd oblige then she was absolutely wrong. He pulled at the tip of the fabric he had on shrugging his robe off he stood in nothing more than a boxer she gasped, shutting her eyes tight.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Bathing with you."

"No! Stay away! I'm warning you! Or else—"

"—or else what?" He snapped, "I'm the king and by law I'm your husband and you're my wife. There's absolutely nothing you can do. There are two options though, we bathe together in peace or you run out naked. The choice is yours."

He heard her hurl strings of colorful curses at him, still not making any attempts to run out he yanked off the remaining piece of clothing he had on. Her heart hammered furiously against her chest when he dipped his feet into the tub. He groaned softly at the warm feel of the water, when he finally settled down she gathered some of the foam to her chest, skittering far away from him, still not opening her eyes.

"Come closer." He demanded.

"No!" She spat.

"Adunni, come closer." He gritted out.

Before she could say no his hand shot forward and he grabbed unto her, pulling her closer to his body she fumbled for some space of freedom but found nowhere to run to when he trapped her body between his panick rolled through her.

Her chest heaved, she panted when her behind pressed against him he bit on his lower lips to stiffle a groan. When his hand traveled up to cup her bosom his lips left burning trails down her neckline she whimpered under his touch.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He growled out as his hand continued to knead her sensitive nub that pebbled under his fingers.

"Because you disgust me." She said so low the words alone instantly repelled him from her.

This time she turned to face him, not minding if that part of her body showed. His eyes couldn't seem to leave her chest as they settled on the part where her umber skin met with her dusky brown seeds. That alone angered her the more because she saw lust burn in his eyes, noticing the distasteful look she had on he looked only at her beautiful honey-brown eyes which seemed to have hosted drops of tears that threatened to fall.

His palms slowly lifted her chin, "why?" He asked ever so softly.

"Because you're all the same. All of you gods. Not only do I hate you for killing the former king, I hate you more because you think you can have your way with anything just because you are king and a god. Remember how you forcefully took me from my home, how you forcefully threatened me into this marriage and now you're trying to force your way into my heart." She sobbed.

"Where's your word now? The same word you told me was your bond? Where is it?! This same you promised to never touch me without my consent. You're nothing but a wicked, lying, deceitful god. You could have easily gone out to find a girl who would probably love you if you had tried to make her but no. Because you are king, just because you are king you forced me into this sham. Ruining my life by binding me to you for the rest of eternity."

She saw the same rage she'd seen in his eyes a day before, hearing the rumbles of thunder outside, "you all left me no choice! What girl was willing to marry me when you all had tagged me the king slayer. You all saw me as evil and wicked!"

"You should have tried to gain the people's trust! should have. Not close yourself off here and ask women be delivered to your doorstep. You only made them hate you the more. What makes you think I'm in any way willing to be with you? I will forever resent you up until my last breath."

He scoffed, "then you should because like it or not, you belong to me and you better get used to it. I admit I was wrong to have let myself get carried away and it won't happen again but I assure you that I will make you love me. But until then, as long as I'm your king and husband, if you ever try to disobey again, I will not threaten you with the people, no. What I'll do will be far more worse and you'll wish you never gone against me."

His words words were cold and seething it pierced a hole right through her soul, hot and cold shivers chased themselves down her spine.

He rose from the tub like a god out of the steam of creation she turned away and with a deep frown he walked out of the bathroom.


She shrugged on a white tunic while Arike dressed her hair and adorned her head with the crown which she'd dreaded much she cringed.

"Can't I do away with the crown?"

"No your highness."

Adunni groaned frustrated but Arike caught the expression on her face she spoke, "do you hate the palace?"

"No. But my place isn't here."

"Do you hate the king.. Perhaps?"

She paused for a moment before replying candidly, "maybe."

She sighed, "I will not begin to ask what your reasons are because I know your highness would have a reason but I would advice you not to show your hate for him."

She turned back to face her, "why do you say so?"

"His majesty the king is a formidable foe you will not like to have on your back. Not only is it dangerous but it is also a treason for the queen to go against her king. I'll advise you do as he'd spoken or else this won't end well. Not only would the king's anger affect you but it will also affect every single being in this kingdom. The god of thunder is slow to anger but when he is indeed angered, nothing can pacify him."

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