Chapter 17

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The day had come. The moment she'd been playing over and over again in her head had arrived and yet she couldn't stop her heart from racing furiously in her chest. She was to consummate her marriage to the man she once hated.

Hate? She didn't think that was the right words. She disliked him, yes, but it had all been because of the unconventional manner he'd brought her into the palace. Now she had began to feel something for him and it scared her.

She still knew next to nothing about the scarlet eyed king and his demon friend but she'd somehow grown fond of him in the span of weeks. He was gentle, calm and conserved; a direct contrast to his previous behavior when they first met.

“Don't over think it, your majesty. Once you're with the king, let nature take its course.” Arike cooed beside her.

Over the course of time they'd spent together, she had taken the maid like an elder sister as she was a score and two years older than she was. While the queen herself was just on the verge of stepping out of her score years.

Her advice had gotten her thus far and she thanked the gods for providing her with such a wise and attentive companion.

Adunni nodded at Arike's suggestion. She shrugged the silk robe on with a solid plan in mind then they were on their way to the east wing of the second palace, a more secluded area the king had chosen, since she couldn't meet him at his own palace.

When they got in front of the large mahogany doors, her heart skipped a beat as the guards curtsied.

“This is where we part ways, my queen. May the odds be in your favor.” Arike bowed before departing with her train of entourage.

The queen stood tranfixed to a spot for what seemed like minutes before a guard spoke, “Would you like to meet the king now, my queen?”

“Y..yes,” she croaked out, feeling her throat parch at the mere word.

When the doors creaked open, she found herself dragging feets that were now as heavy as a log of wood into the room, stopping for a moment to admire the pristine decor. It was as elegant as the rest of the palace but strange lights illuminated the place, it almost seemed like they'd stepped into the beautiful realm of the gods. Then the doors snapped shut.


She jolted on her feet. Noticing the king on the massive bed nestled at the other end of the room. He wore a similar silk robe to hers they displayed the wonders of his body as pecs and sinews strained beneath them. Her gaze darted to the crown placed carefully on the table in the room she almost laughed, reckoning how obsessed he was with the accessory.

Remembering her manners she hurriedly bowed, “Forgive me for failing to acknowledge your presence, my king.”

He shrugged, “It's alright.” he sighed this time. “Please make yourself comfortable. It's a long night and we don't—”

He halted his words midway, his eyes growing as wide as saucers when she snapped her eyes shut, undoing the knots of her robe in one swift, the fabric pooling at her feet, baring her exotic body to his view.

“By gods!” he exclaimed as he sprang to his feet.

Flustered, she blushed under the king's scrutiny, becoming aware of her exposure to him. She quickly brought her hand over to cover her intimate parts.

He slowly approached her, “Adunni, what are you–”

“—Stop!” her chest heaved from embarrassment but she was determined. “Please, lay back.”

His brows furrowed, series of emotions evident on his face. He rubbed at his temples, exhaling through flared nostrils.

“Listen,” he growled, averting his gaze away from her body. “You don't have to do this. You're not yet ready. You're not comfortable being around me yet and I have told you we could pretend to be intimate. No need to rush things.”

“But I am ready!” she countered, her as her breath hitched. “I am ready my king. I want this, I want you. It is now or never so please just trust me and lay still on the bed. It is already embarrassing for me as it is.”

He chuckled when. She shifted from one feet to the other and after a moment of hesitation, he nodded, climbing back into the bed as he reclined against the head board, enjoying the view she presented him with.

“Take your hands off Adunni. I want to look at you.” his words were a powerful command that resounded through the entire room.

The queen fidgeted, taking her hands away reluctantly. He groaned, palming the bulge in his pants.

Adejoba slowly drank in her beautiful features; from the delicious swell of her chest, her caramel teats to the curvy dip of her behind. In one word, she was lusciously enticing.

The slim trim of her belly down to the fine hour glas shape had him clutching his fists tight as he fought to sit still when every inch of hers beckoned unto him.

“You're killing me my queen, and standing there isn't helping matters at all.”

He stroked himself a few times, cursing himself inwardly for his predicament. He wanted to touch every inch of her but decided it best to let her come to him herself. He'd orchestrated the whole consummation plan with his elders just to find a reason to get more closer to her.

He'd thought they would start things out slowly while he opened her up to him, to let her experience the hidden worlds he could open her up to in the confines of his room. But now that she was subtly willing herself to him, he wasn't so sure anymore.

“I don't...I don't know... what to do.”

He sucked his teeth, “Come here.” gritting out his words he stretched his arms to her.

Fidgeting, she sauntered forward to the bed, climbing unto it and in no time, he pulled her to himself, did a quick maneuver and in swift, he settled himself better her, hovering just above her.

Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she anticipated his next move. When nothing was forthcoming and he continued to stare into her eyes like he seeked her permission she pressed her lips to his, surrendering to her whims.

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