Eyes Meet

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Being stuck in your cell gave you a lot of time to think. Why did they transfer you to a different prison? Why did everyone keep mentioning odd creatures and terrifying 'accidents' that seemed to rack this place? To be honest you weren't sure of anything much anymore. How long you'd been here, if you'd die while being here, or even what your purpose was in this place.

A loud clunk of the door opening interrupted your train of thought.

"Hurry up, we don't have all day!" A guard quickly pulled you from your small cell and pulled you into the dark, foul hallway. You grunted in surprise, but chose not to say anything.

You usually stayed quiet. You'd seen what the higher-ups were like here. As long as these people weren't D-Class themselves, it seemed to you that they thought they were the fruit of God and could do no wrong; even if they killed a few prisoners just for sick fun here and there.

You didn't want to be one of those D-Class'.

You both soon arrived at a larger doorway. In front of the entrance stood two other guards. One of them held another prisoner in their grasp. He was tall, lanky, and pale and had greasy dirty blonde hair. He looked at you with fear in his wide eyes.

He was sharply pushed into you, making you stumble a bit from the suddenness. Again, the guards pushed you both in the cell and closed the door behind you.

From the speakers above, you heard the researcher bark out orders; "You two will both be testing with SCP-049. Listen to the orders from the speakers in the cell, lest you be terminated."

SCP-049? Was that one of the creatures you'd been hearing about? And what were they going to be testing?

The man beside you made a whimpering noise that you chose to ignore. You didn't want to or know how to deal with emotions other than your own right now.

After staff shoving you both into the containment center, as it was really much bigger than a cell, and locking the doors behind you, you began to look around.

There seemed to be a person standing near one of the corners of the room.

As you turned to and focused in on it, you noticed it's features. It looked to be a plague doctor from the time of the black death. But it seemed to have these piercing eyes, almost purely black with little pinpricks of white for pupils.

"There seems to be more patients for me to cure today."

You heard another sound come out of the boy next to you and this time, you were inclined to shift closer to him.


Another scream echoed from somewhere down the hall. God you hated it here; you didn't even belong wherever here was. Being framed for a crime you didn't commit could sure get you into a pretty messed up place.

Like this one.

The door opened up to reveal a guard whose name tag read Johnathan, ready to take you to the next testing session.

You had done various ones in your time here, the most notable, being your time spent with the blob of orange Jell-O that made you laugh. He was pretty cute.

You quickly stood up from your bed and hurried to the door, practically ready for your death in this place at this point.

"Ready?" Johnathan asked.

"Ready as I can be." You respond in an quieted tone. You gave the guard a small smile which he quickly returned from under his headgear as he gave you a hand to step forward.

The door shut behind you as you both walked to SCP-096's cell.

The silence was killing you already.

You looked at the guard, hoping to make small talk.

"So..." He glanced down at you. "How long have you worked here?"

"About a week and a half. Not much, but I think I already know more than half the handbook I was given by heart." He chuckled, slowing his brisk pace a bit.

After what seemed like an eternity, you finally reached the large door that held the supposed SCP.

The guard you had been with frowned upon looking at the identification number of the SCP posted outside of it's containment cell.


In front of the door to it's containment cell was another guard holding another D-Class, he almost looked excited, ready to push you both into the cell.


Johnathan gave a curt nod before you and the other D-Class were pushed into the cell and the door loudly slammed shut behind you, making sure you remember that this was life for you now.

"Today," The intercom spoke. You two will both be testing with SCP 096. Listen to the orders from the speakers in the cell unless you want to be terminated upon leave of the cell."

After that it was almost silent. Almost.

A soft weeping could be heard next to you. Something or someone was hunched over.

Greyish, tight looking skin with very prominent bones. It looked like its spine was going to jump out of the flesh of the creature at any second. Blood seemed to puddle around it with splatters of it reaching around the walls.

"One of you, interact with SCP 096."

You both looked at each other, hesitant in your movements. Finally, the other inmate took a step forward, shaking in their movements toward the SCP.

You already felt guilty.



The word you would perfectly describe this place as. Researchers were stuck up pricks, guards either pitied you or were major assholes, and all the other D-Class were mostly just packs of morons clumped together in so-called "gangs". You guessed a few people weren't too bad compared to others.

Like yourself of course.

The door quickly opened to reveal a guard, probably ready to ship you to your death at this point for how much you've pissed him off in the past.

"Hey Jerry." You said, waving your fingers at him, giving a sly grin.

"Hurry the hell up." Ah, and he's in a bad mood.
Just what you needed.

"Can't you give me 5 more minutes mister?" You said, pretending to pout, stalling for as much time as you could get.

"Come on smartass!" He quickly grabbed your arm to drag you out to hallway, ready to kill you himself at this point.

"Ya' like it rough Jer?" You choked out a rough laugh, barely able to keep on your feet from the force that he was putting on your arm.

As soon as you reached the doors to the cell, Jerry tried to open the door as quick as he could, dreading anymore time that he'd be forced to spend with you and your constant quips.

Once the guard managed to get rid of you, the door closed behind, leaving you in silence for only a few seconds. Then a voice behind you spoke up.


Can you hit that vote button for me? I can't seem to reach... ;)

Hello my Signets. Have you drank any water today? What about eating food? I love you all and wish wellbeing for you!

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼𝓭𝓪𝔂  ~  GN!Reader X Various SCP'sWhere stories live. Discover now