The Mortality of Humanity

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"118, 119, 120!" A shock went through you.
The car.
All of a sudden, it smashed into you.
But you were alive.

"Welcome back (Your D-Class Number)."

"What happened? Where am I?" You asked looking at the other D-Class people who filled the room.

It was dark, the only lights were coming from flickering ones you could barely see from under the closed door and flashlights some D-Classes and a guard were holding.

You blinked as a few people started to talk at once, but the guard interjected, telling them to shush.
You glared at him at first and then realized he looked familiar.

He was an MTF, otherwise known as Mobile Task Force. He wore a black and grey camo suit and held an automatic firearm. His helmet was being held in the crook of his arm, a flashlight and camera were built into it. Looking at his face, he had his black face mask that covered his mouth neck and nose pulled down.

He was tall, around 6'4 and Indian. He had a round face with sharp features. He had black hair worn in a crew cut and dark brown, almost black eyes. He wore a necklace with a gold wedding band on it that somehow, you knew was engraved on the inside with the inscription ‘My heart beats with yours’.


He jerked his head towards and looked at you. "How do you know my name?" He asked sternly.

"I don't..." You gave him a blank stare before you realized you had never seen or spoken to him before. How did you know his name?

"Nevermind. You can tell me later. We had a level 7 containment breach. Eta-5 and Nu-7 have both been sent here since that gigantic fucking dinosaur got out. I don't know just how big the breach has gotten since then, but I'm guessing pretty damn big considering the loss of radio contact with just about all the faculty in this godforsaken facility." He took a breath. "As for you," He paused. "I don't know how, but you were supposed to be dead. One of those monsters killed you."

"Well obviously not if-"

"You were dead." He looked at you darkly. "I've seen enough death in this place to know that. I've only been here for seven months and I know how to tell if someone is dead from four yards away. Trust me. You were dead."

He shuddered, the darkness looming over him seemingly passing. "Luckily for you, Sahara decided to help you at her own risk, performing CPR. You should thank her."

You looked at the girl beside you. You had seen her before. She worked in the medical wing of the D-Class sector to get money for commissary. She had been the one to bandage you up time to time from various fights or even from some of the guards if they had a bad day.

From what you saw, she was kind and very strong headed when she had to be. From what you knew, she was in here for murder which was odd considering she had just saved your life.

"Thank you." You told her, giving a weak smile.
Her cheeks flushed with bright red embarrassment. "No need to thank me. I just believe in karma."

There was a knock at the door.

"H- Hello?" A woman's voice came through. "Please let me in. I need help."

The D-Class looked at Johnathan. He put his hand up, signaling to wait to let her in.

"There's something chasing me." She sobbed. "Please..."

Johnathan got up and walked towards the door. You found yourself standing up and taking a step towards him.

"Go sit down." He said gruffly. "I can handle this." He looked at you with a serious expression, but you could see he was exhausted and down right miserable. You'd worn his expression more than a few times yourself in this facility.
More than your pride wanted to admit.

"You're not going to let her in are you?" You whispered to him, already knowing the answer.

"Like I said, you need to go sit down." He turned to the door, and walked up to it, sat down and started talking through the tiny crack in it.

"What's chasing you?"

"I- I don't know. I looked at its face. He started screaming. Chasing after me. Please help me." You could hear her panting from running. She sounded terrified. She was trying to catch her breath. You couldn't tell if it was because of her sprinting, or crying.

Johnathan sighed and rubbed his hand down his face, trying to stay strong. "What's your name sweetheart?" He asked in a gentle tone of voice, one that could be used for consoling a child.

"Cassie." She sniffled. "Am I gonna die?"

You heard a faint animalistic screaming.

"Oh God." You heard her mutter before she started to retch in terror.

You stepped towards the door, and sat down next to Johnathan. "Cassie. Listen to me." You said, grabbing for Johnathans gun. He gave you a glare, but then softened his gaze as he realized what was going on.

"I'm going to slide a gun under the door." You emptied it to one bullet and then took the safety off of it. "It's awful. This facility. These people. I've seen it, The After."

She stopped crying and didn't make any noises for a second. "Can you tell me about it?" She asked as you heard the gun cock.

You felt a tear slide down your cheek.

"It's beautiful. Rows of flowers in every direction as far as the eyes can see. Statues of marble. You can decide what you want to add or take from it. Cassie... It's wonderful."

"Thank you. Whatever your name is."

You heard a sickening scream from an inhuman entity and heard the click of the trigger.

Your ears rang and your eyes watered.

Johnathan put his arms around you in an embrace, holding your head to his chest. You didn't even realize you were crying until you saw the tear stains on his uniform.

"You did the right thing Kid." He spoke softly. He smelled like amber and patchouli. It was calming.

"We're going to find a way out of here kid." He looked at the rest of the D-Class in the room.

"All of us."

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