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Time seemed to pass much faster with your new...friend? It was still odd to call him that, but how could you not? After all the conversations you've shared, you couldn't help but like him.

But how long was this going to last? The feeling warmth every time you saw him and this odd glee you got around him.

So, you decided to test something. A theory if you will.

"Doctor," you said, the words feeling still so odd to you, but yet familiar. "Yes, my oddity?" You still weren't sure how to feel about the strange nickname he had bestowed upon you since the day he had run a test that included drawing your blood and mixing it with a chemical concoction that even today had you surprised it hadn't started smoking mustard gas.

"What is your opinion on... Companionship?"

The doctor gave you an odd look. Surprised but not angry.

"As in friendship or partners of sorts?"

"Either, er, both? Just in general really..."

"Where did this come from?" He asked in his metallic monotone voice. His initial tone of surprise was being replaced with his usual lax voice as he scribbled something in his notebook he always seemed to have on hand.

"Well, we've talked about just everything to do with me, but, forgive me for my intrusiveness, we haven't often spoken of you or your past life. Can you remember anything about it? Friends? Lovers even?"

You felt a sudden urge to cover your mouth and shut yourself up.

"I'm not sure if I've ever felt love. Not the love of another person at least. Well, not for a very long time anyways. I've never focused on anything besides my work, so it's possible that I've never even acknowledged those feelings before. As for other types of companions, I have you and Doctor Hamm. But he is more of a colleague than anything."

Yes, you knew that name. "Wasn't he the guy who won employee of the month three times in a row?"

"I do not know what that is."

You felt stupid after saying that, but your memory persisted you knew that name. You'd have to look into it later. Interesting.

"What about you? I'm certainly not experienced in the topic of which you speak."

"Well, I've never had an official boyfriend, just dates and different flings, and being entirely honest with you, I don't think I'll be having any more of that now that I'm here."

A small breath of laughter followed close after, but not from him.

"I see..." His demeanour changed to an odd emotion that could only be interpreted as wistfulness for whatever reason, but only for a few seconds. Unbeknownst to him, it was still noticeable.

"Well, I-"

The giant door behind you interrupted him, leaving the rest of the words in his throat.

You knew not to fight the guards, so you had to wait another day for his unfinished sentence. You turned your head back to the doctor, but the door was already closed and locked behind you.


Could he even comprehend friendship? Could he care about other people? You'd seen what he had done, so maybe he was trying to trick you. But you had looked at his face. You have been looking into those sad wistful eyes, and yet he had done nothing but crave attention.

How do you even talk to him though?

You're suddenly brought out of your head when you're pushed in the same room you've seen time and time again. And just like every time, you can hear the crying go quiet.

You hear the enormous door shut and left the both of you in silence.

You notice that a metal chair had been placed since the last time you were here. At least your butt wouldn't hurt as much as it had on the concrete floor.

You quickly sat down, and almost as soon as you did, he slowly crawled from his corner, lightly whimpering.

This was simply routine. You sit down, he'd crawl towards you, and you did whatever to comfort him. Or at least what you thought you could do.

You notice he's curled up next to your chair, laying his head and hand on your thigh.

You lightly place your hand on his and rub your thumb on the back of his hand, over the protruding bony knuckles.

This gave you time to think. Can he truly feel emotions other than this present sadness that always seems to be lingering?

This moment gave you a small hope for just that.


Another day in the hellhole you call this place. But at least you had a little more activity around here with the mask you called a... friend?

After all the dead bodies, how could you be friends with him? But he was the only person to really have any kind of meaningful conversation with you. It's bound to happen when society and any others left you behind.

You shouldn't really dwell on him. You might grow attached.

Banter after banter with the mask, your conversation grew deeper and deeper. Until you finally reached the topic of lovers.

"I do have to wonder how we got to this topic though." you wondered out loud.

"I do think this is an odd topic for the both of us." He paused. "But what about you? Do you have a love to save from this prison my dear monarch?" You scoffed at the usual sarcastic tone lacing his last few words. Then chuckled.

"Of course not. I mean who could fall for a cocky, self-centred person who acts like estranged royalty when you could have the lovely little housewives that are more commonly found about?"

Love was really just a funny little joke to you, and you preferred to keep it that way.

"Really? You don't have anyone wrapped around your little finger?"

"I know, right? Unbelievable." You said, feigning hurt and placing your hand over your heart.

But as you thought about it, you pondered. Did he have you wrapped around his finger?

"What about you mask man? Did you have a lovely little sweetheart?"

"Nope, but I do have worshippers that I could easily take over. One small-minded weakling and-"

"That's enough, thanks." The intercom blared above you as the mask grew darker in personality. He sighed with great exaggeration.

"Anyways, why have a lover when you can have a cult?"

"Wise words." You agreed.

"Yes, well... You know, if you ever wanted to-"

He was unable to finish his sentence, the opening of the steel door interrupting his sentence.

You stood up, not wanting to piss of the guard by standing around and chatting.

"Well, I guess we should leave this conversation for later. See ya."

Back to the completely mundane routine with you.

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