I Need To Know...

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SCP-049's interview:

Doctor [REDACTED]: "How was today's procedure?"

SCP-049: "Another minion to the collection. They're taken from me and destroyed anyways, so it doesn't really matter."

Doctor [REDACTED]: "Well we can't have you creating an army any time soon now can we-"

SCP-049: But the prisoner from the other day... They were different.

Doctor [REDACTED], intrigued: "What do you mean by... "Different", Doctor?"

Their hair adorned their face perfectly. Their hands covered their eyes to protect themselves from watching my little project unfolding in front of them. Their quivering figure, shaking like a leaf. They were scared, Doctor. They were scared, but not of me... No. They were scared of what was happening. They were innocent, free from the pestilence.

Doctor [REDACTED]: "Sounds like they could have been a great practice dummy."

SCP-049, irritated: "I couldn't kill a specimen like this."

Doctor [REDACTED]: "What about when you had to be subdued? You seemed like you were ready to kill them then-"

SCP-049 puts his hands into fists at [REDACTED]'s accusation. Then speaks: "I wanted to study them more. They're interesting, far beyond your closed mind's comprehension, Doctor... If that's what you call yourself at least. You're a joke, not even seeing what's in front of your very nose. Let me heal you. I know the cure! I am the cure! You can't see it yet, but you will! I can show you..."

He hesitates before talking again, as foundation personnel emits a lavender scent from a nearby misting machine, calming SCP-049 He then begins talking again. "After that I was unwilling to give into the researcher experiments until I was allowed to only experiment with the D-Class from the other day, and I was certain that they knew who I was talking about."

"They may be key to helping my studies."

"I need further experimentation."

"I need it."

SCP-096's POV:

Who are you?

You are weeping like me...


Who are you?

Will you hurt me?

I want to look... your face.

Your face.

I want to know.

Will you hurt?

Will you hurt me?

Please let me look. I want to look.

I'll let you look.

At my face.


Were you crying?

Please don't.

Please don't...

Where did you go?

Come back.


What the hell was that?

I don't think I've ever had that happen to me, usually I'd have someone to use and kill every week.

Too much self preservation? I know that can't be it.

Now I need to know why. Why would one person out of the hundreds I've killed, why would a single person be an exception?

I was difficult in further experimentation, not outright uncooperative but hard to study.

I tried to find a good enough body to properly communicate with them again. I need to know why they were different to others. Why they had so much 'self preservation'.

They had also said that they knew what I did to people.

The only ways to know that was if a researcher specifically told them what I had done, (Highly doubtful by the way) or they had been here and survived long enough to gather enough information about different SCPs, including myself.

Now I really needed to know who they were. If they knew their way around here, then I could possibly use that to my advantage.

That also meant that I can't take over their body yet if I wanted out of here.


So come on then. Bring it on "Mx. Self-Preservation."

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