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"No..." Tap tap tap. "No . . ." More tapping. "Nope." There was a heavy sigh. "Maybe." The voice was bland and bored and deeply masculine. "N- OOOOoooh I like that one." The voice said, suddenly becoming near feminine sounding.

It felt calm. A gentle wind fluttered by, tickling your nose. It smelled fresh and clean. Like there weren't chemicals or impurities anywhere remotely near you.

The chatter of the thing to themselves had stopped.

"So. You finally decided to show up. I knew it would be sooner or later, but I will be honest, you lasted longer than my expectations for you. Now, open your eyes."

Your eyelids snapped open on his command, though you weren't sure whether or not it was of free will.

Standing up, you felt a feeling of serene peace trickle down your head to your feet. Warm and bubbly.

"Where am I?" You asked with an odd calmness. You weren't scared or worried. Just confused.

"This is a place I like to come to get away from it all."

Your eyes drifted to the person speaking after drinking in some of your surroundings. It was a beautiful valley with soft grass and flowers. There was lambs ear dotted here and there, and you thought you could make out an old temple looking thing in the background.

"A place," She pondered, turning around to face you. "Where I often find an odd fondness of organic life."

She looked young, but aged all at once. Like he was in his early twenties, but his hair was long and a glossy white color.

"Welcome to Sanctuary," She spoke in a strong, hearty tone. "A sort of in between place."

"In between?" You asked. "What do you mean?"

"Oh honey!" She heartily chuckled. "Your body is deciding whether you die or not."


"You've been here before..."

You clutched your head as it rang with pain; lost memories bubbling their way up, like a vat of boiling acid.

"... Don't you remember?"

"Haah...haah...huff...hah..." You gasped for breath as pain clashed through your mind. Memories of you dying ran through your mind. Hundreds all at once. You could see everything. You were everything. The grass, the trees, violence and death, life, sorrow, and pain. You felt the world crawling with life and sickness and death. You saw empires collapse and the universe take shape. You felt the agony and joy of everything and felt the death of it too. Everything was new, the world freshly given birth, and then everything ended so suddenly, so you moved on somewhere else to watch more life try to sustain itself.

And then it was done.

You watched light-years go by and witnessed the end of time itself. You were crying. It was too much.

"So. The choice is yours. Do you still want to live?"

You looked at the God as you knew him now to be.

"As you've seen, you've been here thousands of times, yet you still always choose that wretched place. Why?"

"Because I still have a cause. And if I don't fulfill that cause, it could lead to the end." You reply, looking into the dark grey eyes of the God.

She drummed her fingers against the hard marble-like wood on the tree she was leaning against, creating the clicking noise you had heard earlier.

"Then go." He said dropping something into the pool of shimmering gold that was materializing before you. Slowly fizzling into existence. A reflection of the world. You knew the moment you touched it, you'd wake up, and likely have no memory of this, like all the other times. But you knew you had to do this. For him. For yourself.

You ran up and hugged the God.

"Go my child." He sang, kissing your cheeks and forehead. With that, she pushed you gently into the pool.


"Y/N..." Someone called.
"Y/N." You groaned.
"Y/N!" You woke up, surrounded by prisoners and a few guards, all looking at you in bizarre amazement.

And you remembered.

These chapters coming out are very short as you can tell, but it's for a reason.
I'm very excited to be adding an SCP in, and I've been brainstorming all year long for some of the upcoming chapters.
I love you all my cygnets!
Have a great and amazing day/night!

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