The Lifeline of SCP 343

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SCP 343 hummed to himself, deciding how to play with this world. He was floating in the nothingness right now, the place in between time and worlds. The calm before the storm. But he made sure to only stay in the calm. The storm was a dangerous place, even for herself.

He could start at doomsday, or just create it all over again. Playing with worlds was fun when you had no other purpose than to create and destroy.

They looked at their newest drunken creation that must've been his; for how else could it have gotten there? But yet she had no recollection of making it. No recollection of making those things that they kept in those inhumane facilities.
They had just come to be, not unlike herself.

And as he looked at it, they felt a familiar aura radiating off of it.
This... Anomaly... The only way to describe whatever it was.
She tweaked the strings of the universe, like time and time again, but this time, it was different.
It was always different when one of these creatures appeared. It was like he couldn't get a clear read into the timelines with those beings in it.

She was God, and yet, in a strange way, so were they.
She was surrounded by gods.
She wasn't alone.
So why wasn't she elated?


Because the gods were becoming too much.
Too powerful.
And they were killing off her pets.

The human race was a beautiful and deadly thing. They valued their own life over others. It didn't matter if they were causing their own demise, just as long as they had what they wanted in the moment.

He watched as the newest human member was born. He watched them over their years, growing up. He saw their first breath, their first steps, their first words...
And he saw their small body fly across concrete as a car came barreling around their neighborhood street.

She sighed, getting ready to reincarnate them into a hummingbird or some other small animal, when suddenly, their soul was gone.

Now souls were a delightful delicate thing. They would bend and mold well, like a new piece of aluminum, but more sophisticated. The matter surrounding the soul was both dark and light.
But this new one...
It had just disappeared.

No matter left at all..

All of a sudden, there was a sphere of pure dark matter forming. It looked like a black hole made up of the blackest threads of silk.

But that wasn't the oddest part.

It was forming in 343's domain.

An outline of a hand could be seen pushing outward from the inside of this... Rift. Then the sphere grew taught. She could see the outline of the tiny body within. Struggling for life. Struggling to break free.

Then the void broke.

In the middle of 343's cell, a child appeared.

She had limited time to assess the situation, as alarms started going off at the presence of an unauthorized being in the room.

"Who are you?" 343 asked.

"I'm Y/N."


I have been on the struggle bus lately and you can most likely tell this chapter is rushed. It's honestly a filler chapter, but it does carry lore, so, you know.

School is so stressful and I was slam packed with activities over the summer.

But I'm back, and I'm not nearly done with this story, so just bear with me.

I love you all, and thank you for all the support!

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