Who Are You?

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The doctor slowly walked toward the both of of you. Methodical in his movement, almost as if he was deciding what to do with it's new subjects.

It scared the hell out out you.

You took a step back, but the other D-Class seemed almost frozen in fear.

So frozen that they could be mistaken for an statue if they had tried hard enough.

Unfortunately for them, they hadn't.

The doctor quickly pulled out something from behind him and practically lunged at your fellow inmate. Stabbing them swiftly across their throat, blood spurted and squeezed from the veins in their neck.

You couldn't bear to look.

You closed your eyes, but it wasn't enough.

You had to cover your face with your hands. Almost as if some force could pry your eyes open and make you stare at what was happening to your fellow prisoner.

You can hear gushing and and little squeals of tearing flesh. You can feel drops of blood occasionally jump up from the scalpel and cling to your orange jumpsuit, reminding you of what's to come when the doctor is done.

Suddenly a hand is grabbing your forearm, pulling you away from the monstrosity in front of you.

You dare to pull your hands away from your eyes, and you open them.

You're suddenly in the hallway, with the giant door behind you swiftly closing, but even after that you can hear something banging against the door.


The guard quickly grabs you and pulls you through long, taunting corridors. It only worsens your nerves.

You're thrown into cell, leaving you in silence.


You decide to look up at the windows, trying to stare at the researchers and guards forcing you in this nightmare without any mercy or humanity.

Maybe it's them who aren't human.

A scream wakes you from your thoughts, only to see that the other prisoner is being ripped to shreds.

Blood and other bits and pieces of human flying from long claws that connected to a raging creature.

Its bones protrude even more from its back with even some flesh becoming red, looking ready to leave its epidermis cage.

You quickly turn around; hands covering your mouth to keep you from screaming.

You suddenly feel a large slash of blood cover your back, making you forcibly squeal.

Sudden silence. Not a sound behind you.

You feel it behind you. Looking. Staring. Observing.

"The door will open next to you and you will exit with a guard," You jumped, it almost made you cry.

"Exit now."

The door suddenly open and from what you can see in your peripheral vision, the guard's back face you. Still and unmoving.

You try to quickly side-step towards the door. Your eyes face the wall, it's decorated in old to new blood. Very fresh blood.

As soon as you escape, a strong and loud weeping is heard, and once the door is closed, it only becomes louder, almost ear-piercing.

The guard quickly escorts you to your cell and leaves only to come back and give you an new jumpsuit.


You turn yourself away from the door and find a mask.

Behind an box of sealed glass, was a white mask. Black tear-track-like lines covered some of the face. It was adorned with a big cheshire grin, being almost unsettling to a point.


You say back, fully facing towards the mask.

A table with two chairs, one on each side, sat in front of the box. You decide to sit for awhile.

"I'm going to guess that it was a rough walk here, wasn't it?"

"When is it not?"

"I guess that's true, but I wouldn't know. I'm stuck in an glass box."

"Sucks to be you then huh? Then again, I guess we're all stuck here."

"At least you get to move. You have a body at the very least," replied the mask.

"If you you're gonna try to make me wear you, it ain't gonna work. I have too much self preservation. I know what you do to people, and I'd prefer to not be a walking corpse."


You turn away from the mask, looking at your nails. Pretending to be bored as hell right now, maybe if you put up this farce, he would leave you alone.

A sudden chuckle makes you look back to the mask, its grin was even more distorted, almost as if it was really laughing.

"Time is out. Please exit the cell."

"See ya later mask."

You get up from your seat, readying yourself for more pushing and pulling from the guards.

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