Proper Introduction This Time...

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Goosebumps ran wildly all over your body, hair sticking up from your skin, Blood running cold, and hands slightly shaking from looking at him just this once.

"Hello. Please sit, if you wouldn't mind."

You certainly remembered his voice. It was one of the only things that you could remember. How it could break the tension in the room. How it broke the silence around the room. Although it didn't help to break his intimidation.

You quickly sat in the chair in front of him, nervous to get to close.

You were acutely aware of what he could do you.

"I am the doctor. You are to most likely to know me by SCP-049. Who are you?"

"I- I'm D-Class-"

"No. Your real name."


"Delightful. Wonderful."

"Thank you D- doctor."

"You are quite welcome. Anything else about yourself I should know?"

You answered a few things about yourself, but during the whole conversation you were confused to say the least. Why would he care? Why did he ask? Shouldn't he be trying to kill you right now? This honestly didn't make sense. But you had a pleasant time.

Despite some questions running through your head, you had a very nice conversation. You hadn't figured out anything about him, but he now knew some information about you. Maybe you were being naive, but he'd been exceptionally charming.

After it was all done and over, you were left to think in your cell.

You'd actually forgot while talking to him, that he was a violent, brutal sociopath.

But maybe he wanted you to forget for a reason.


The suddenness of the opening door made you flinch up from your bed, knowing what was to come next today.

"Let's go."

The guard's strict voice brought you off your bed and into the hall.

You hadn't been yelled at yet which kind of put you off a bit. It was usually that the guard would push or pull you to your destination, but this guard hadn't even touched you.

This gave you a bit of time to think.

How were you supposed to interact with the SCP? It always hides it's face, the only noises it made was crying and whimpering, so how were you suppose to communicate with them?

You arrived at the door, ready for whatever the hell you were going to do with the SCP.

Once you entered the room you could spot the obvious difference. No blood spattered onto the walls, no awful, horrific smells.

But there was one thing that didn't change.


It was here.

Crouched in the corner, melting into the dark shadows that light couldn't touch. It's crying being the only thing that ran through the four walls surrounding you both.

You'd just barely noticed the doors closing behind you.

But once you did, you couldn't handle the feeling.

Your legs had shook beneath you, barely being able to support your body. Your hands grabbed around your arms, almost like a small and soft hug to console you in the moment. Your eyes widened from the memories of the major bloodshed that occurred just a few days before.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼𝓭𝓪𝔂  ~  GN!Reader X Various SCP'sWhere stories live. Discover now