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You hadn't been in any other experiments in a few days. Wake up, eat, sit in your cell, eat, sleep, and repeat.

The only conversations you had were with other prisoners, but only to gather information about the SCP that was imprinted in your head.

He'd apparently been here a while, definitely one of the older SCPs in the facility. Other prisoners had collected bits and pieces of him, putting together as much of a story as possible.

Suddenly, the door opened to your cell.

A woman was standing there. She was incredibly tall, heels only making her height worse. She was wearing a long white lab coat, clean and untouched.

She had bright, fiery hair, curling around her face and neck. Almost like real wildfire. But her eyes had a completely different tone. Her eyes were an icy blue, similar to an iceberg in the Antarctic winter, and she had a slim face, with her cheekbones high and protruding.

"Come with me."

You stumble off your bed and try to follow her more gracefully as she turns her back to you and walks back to the hall.

She seemed like a person who wouldn't appreciate snark or reluctance.

It took what felt like hours just to get into a small and uncomfortable interrogation room. It had a metal table with metal two chairs, one across from the other. She sat down the chair, fidgeting it to face it straight towards the door.

"Please, sit."

You rushed to sit yourself across from her, trying to move your chair as she did, but ultimately a lot clumsier.

"You remember the last SCP you'd tested with. Correct?"

You nod your head.

"We are unsure why, but they have been difficult to deal with these past few days and we've concluded that the reason has been from the last experiment... Which involved you."

You didn't like where this was going. Were they going to send you back? It might have been boring for the last couple days but that just means you got to live just a bit longer.

But you didn't dare share your thoughts on the matter.

"You will continue testing with the subject. These will be your primary testing sessions. Your security and health will be treated with more importance compared to any other D-Class, as this has not happened in the history of the subject."

A guard opens the door behind you and motions you to follow him back with him. You quickly leave behind your chair and follow him into the hall, your nerves even worse than before.

As you enter your cell, the guard closes the door behind you.

They had just left you with way more questions than you could ever have answers for.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼𝓭𝓪𝔂  ~  GN!Reader X Various SCP'sWhere stories live. Discover now