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Drawing by MidnightWisp15 "Trapped in a Bottle" On DeviantArt.

You thought it was ʈዞƏ ᏜᏟᏟᎥᗬƏɲʈ that had brought you to this place. The weird wrinkle in time that had brought you to this little hole in the ground.

Things come and go so quickly, like the changing of the tide.

Maybe it was just coincidence that had you sitting in your cell, and maybe it was the butterfly effect.

Or maybe, coming here had been put into motion after your funeral. Your death.

Death was an odd feeling. The freeing weightlessness that enraptured your body. The loss of time that had made unknown whether you had been dead for a few seconds or a few decades.

No thoughts, just floating in the abyss where there were colors regular men couldn't see. Bright indigo-pinks and a colour that was such a deep blue green, it shimmered with an evil black color.

This was death. And whether or not you liked or hated it, you hadn't the brain to know or care.


That was the first thing you heard.

And then voices.

"Get up you lazy bum."

Shooting up in your bed, you looked around. It honestly looked like a prison cell.

"Come on. Devon is serving food today with some of the other inmates. You know how hot she is?"

The man who was talking to you had an air of arrogance around himself. He looked a little like you and you somehow immediately recognized him as your brother.

"Where am I?" You asked coughing from your dry throat.

What about the... Where had you been again?

"Uhhh... Pointview Correctional Prison. We both are.

"Pointview, huh?"

"Yeah. Come on, let's go get breakfast."

Your mind seemed to forget about the weirdness of the situation and you followed your brother down to the cafeteria.

As he went off to get his breakfast, you sat down at a table, trying to remember... Something.

Your memories were foggy, and you felt drained of motivation.

Looking forward at the table, you looked at your full plate of food.

You didn't remember going to the food line, much less through it-

"Whatcha thinking about?" Said the strange man in front of you. Surprisingly, he didn't scare you or seem disgusted of your presence. Disgusted of your goings on with your . . . boyfriend?

Did you have a boyfriend?

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" You shook your head, trying to clear the brain fog clouding it.

"You seemed lost in thought. I was just wondering what you were thinking about."

"Something . . . From the past. I think." You concluded. Mostly to yourself.

He seemed to find this humorous as he smiled and shook his head, but then he slowly lifted something to his mouth.

A spoon.

Was he eating soup? You couldn't tell. His plate was slowly starting to melt away, and his manic laughter filled the metal room.

You screamed. Blood. Blood everywhere. Pouring from the walls, the ceiling. Pooling up from the floor.


Pure mind stricken terror.

You screamed and screamed and screamed. Your lungs burned for air, but you couldn't take any in. You had pushed and still were pushing it all from your lungs. Expelling every last bit of this poison that had to be in your system.

The room warped and stretched as the laughter slowly formed itself into panicked words.

"Get them out!"

"-having a meltdown!"

"-gone mental."

"What happened?"

People swarmed you, dragging your panicked body out of the metal enclosure you were in by your arms and legs. You kicked a few off, still screaming until someone injected your neck with something, making your senses go numb.

The only thing you were aware of before you blacked out again was pure chaos. Gunshots, yelling, alarms, but mostly, the pain of bullets connecting with your skin.

Hey babes! I'm so sorry I was away for so long, my internet got shut off, but I'm here now!
Sorry this chapter is short, but I'm hoping to focus more on the plot and lore points this week since it's spring break. I love you all, stay amazing!!

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