Halloween Special

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Spooktacular art done by: amadori on DeviantArt! Go check them out!

Sorry that I'm kinda really late, I've been going through some crap, but here you go all you love deprived depresso espresso persons.

This doesn't follow the timeline of the story (except for SCP-096), so you and the SCP have already been together for a while.

"I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned. That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way."
Lemony Snicket


You sat on your bed in your cell, contemplating actually getting up to pace around. It had been a few days since your last meeting with 049, and to say in the least, you missed him. He'd been so kind and such a gentleman on your last date. Much more than you were expecting. And he was still so mesmerized by the bustling and chatter of the inmates. It was cute.

A loud blaring siren violently shook you out of your thoughts as a red flashing light circled and bounced around the cell as all other lights shut down.

"Huh." You thought aloud. You had always wondered what that light was for.

All of a sudden, your cell door shot open and as you looked out, so had the other inmates cell doors.

...And so had the one that led outside, into the rest of the facility.

Everyone looked around for a second before one of the inmates ran out the unguarded door.

Time itself seemed to hold its breath in the ten silent seconds following.

After a minute of anticipation and nothing happening, chaos ensued as everyone ran towards the door to the outside. You were pushed into the crowd as well as the other people who still hadn't moved.

Blood curling screams could be heard as people were being trampled by all-too-eager criminals, ready to break out, crushing people under foot in their wake.

"HELP!" You screamed. You rarely screamed, only in case of emergency. Which this was.

Death by being trodden on? You didn't think so. It wasn't how you wanted to go out.

It just wasn't macho enough.

Pushing your way through an even pushier crowd, you made your way to the front, running out to the left in the giant halls that were now not so spacious while almost everyone else went right.

Heaving a sigh of relief, you massaged your aching wrist that looked like it was swelling. You had a high enough pain tolerance that you couldn't immediately tell when you got hurt. This was one of the times you hated that about yourself.

"Shit..." You cursed under your breath, jerking your hand away from your other, as it sent out a flare of pain through your joint.

Hanging it limply at your side, you walked quietly, but quickly through the halls, trying to avoid dangerous contact with a scientist or guard... Or an SCP.

You assumed you'd been walking for a good five minutes when you finally acknowledged that you were utterly lost in this mammoth of a facility. Open doors and flickering lights added to the suspense of already being alone and unaware.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼𝓭𝓪𝔂  ~  GN!Reader X Various SCP'sWhere stories live. Discover now