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You entered the room and had that strange fuzzy feeling once more.

'Stop it,'

You thought to yourself. Your feelings were quickly shoved down into the deepest pit you could find in your mind.

'You don't feel anything towards him.'

You walked towards him, but it wasn't just him. It was his mask, his cloak, his body, his eyes, his secrets.

'He's a friend at most.'

You came to a halt at the metal table. What did he hide? Did he actually want to kill you and was just waiting for the right time? Why hadn't he already? What was going on in his mind?

'He's a killer...'

You sat down in the empty chair across from him. Always cold. Always there. Always waiting for you. Was it actually the chair you were thinking about?

'...but you're a liar.'

"Greetings, Y/N." were the words that came from him, snapping you out of your train of thought.

"Hello," you replied.

The fuzziness. It was back. No, not back. Because it never fully disappeared.

So many questions...

"Now, where were we?"

...So scared to ask them.

"You seem worried. Is there something wrong?" His metallic voice said.

You looked at him, in his dark eyes. There lay the unnatural icy blue-grey irises within them that you had come to know so well. One of the very things that made people terrified of him.
One of the things most people saw before their death... But not you.

"No. Everything's fine."


"Excellent! Now, I was thinking that we could talk about some more of your past life..." You zoned out.

'He already knows these things about me. Is this a distraction? If so, then from what? And he doesn't seem to really want to talk about something like this, so what is it?! Damnit! Why can't I just stop these feelings?!"

"Why me?" You blurted out.

He had been in the middle of a sentence, and you had interrupted him. You had never interrupted him before.

"Excuse me?" He asked, not unkindly. He sounded more taken aback than anything else.

'You idiot. You should have just stayed quiet.'  Your thoughts yelled angrily at you.

"I- I don't know, I just... I guess I just find it odd that I'm so interesting to you, yet you never seem to run tests on me, which I'm fine with don't get me wrong, it's just-"

"I didn't kill you, because you are not sick. You have no trace of the pestilence, even though they keep you in these... Filthy living conditions." He responded, a sort of anger in his voice that made the guards at the door grab their guns a bit tighter. But his anger, it wasn't directed at you.

It never seemed to be directed at you. But why?!

"I am sorry for making a rash assumption, but that is the real question you had, isn't it?"

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼𝓭𝓪𝔂  ~  GN!Reader X Various SCP'sWhere stories live. Discover now