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Both you and the doctor continued to see each other after your first proper meeting, furthering on any topics you hadn't been able to finished the previous testing session.

After a few more conversations, you both became good friends.

But you were always still cautious around him and his touch.

You knew quite well what he was capable of.

As the conversations grew more personal in topics, you realized something. You didn't know much about him. What he had done before being classed as a SCP, What he had been doing for all those years in containment or even simple things like what his favorite color was.

It seemed that most of the time he only complemented you and what you had said.

But you certainly didn't want to push it though. If you pushed him too far in personal information, you could easily be killed if the topic was too sensitive for him. You knew the researchers wouldn't care or try to save you.

They didn't have the humanity to do so.

So you made sure that you could keep up a conversation on your views and thoughts in present.

Although you couldn't say much for yourself. You hadn't exactly expressed everything to him in your talks. And this feeling...

It was always around him.

A soft, soothing feeling.

A strong, warm feeling.

You didn't want to know this feeling. A certain feeling for a certain doctor.

For a certain sociopath.

You didn't really want to know what you harbored for the doctor.

But you couldn't resist the conversations you had with him, so you continued what you had with him.

Was he really interested in what you had to say though? Or was he just trying to figure you out like a puzzle whose pieces didn't entirely go together yet?

You didn't know, but he wasn't going to pick you of everything and then kill you once he was done.

You were going to make sure of that.


In the days that followed, you grew only a little more comfortable around him.

Whenever you were in the cell with him, he always tried to get your attention in some manner. Whether it be by clicking his tongue to make a soft tsking noise or by weeping next to your ear.

You usually ended up looking in the noise's direction, but not if it was the noises coming from his crying.

You still couldn't handle to look him in the eyes.

If he ever realized that his plan didn't work, he'd start to whine more and more, trying to gain your attention.

But you had been too cautious to even try and look at him again.

But even when he tried and tried just to gain your attention, you still had an interesting experience with him.

Just by how gentle he seemed to be with you.

With only you.

Ripping others to shreds while he left you be.

Leaving you unharmed.

Just you.

You couldn't let that get to your head.

Not now.

And possibly not ever.


After the first testing session, you both only continued to grow closer. You were always a bit cautious from what he said, always taking things with a grain of salt.

You heard how he could lure people from their confidence just to wear the mask, and in all of the stories you heard, no one was able to escape from his subtle wording and manipulation.

But every time you saw him he had already possessed someone.

If he wanted you so badly to possess, then wouldn't he just be a mask?

But even when he had a body, he'd continue to complement you and push into your past. You never really gave into his pursuit.

But then again, a small part of you admired that about him.

Continuing to pursue something he had no guarantee over.

He had lots of confidence.

Much more than you did.

God, did you want that in your life.

But you weren't going to open up your whole life story just for him.

You weren't that kind of person.

The vote button has upset me. Why don't you give it a good slap on your way to the next chapter?
Have you drank any water today? If not, do it right now. 3...2...1!
Love you my signets! Stay safe!

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓓𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼𝓭𝓪𝔂  ~  GN!Reader X Various SCP'sWhere stories live. Discover now