Chapter 1: Call On Dolly!

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Kurt's POV

Hi my name is Kurt, im in high school and im gay, 100% all out gay. I want to be a singer, the one where you see their name on billboard and put their songs on repeat. I want to touch people's hearts just like how the artists I look up to touched mine. Well enough with my ambition, lets talk about the present first. Im honestly trying to look for love, I have never been with anyone before nor have I kissed anyone. Most of my friends already had their first kiss, they even already had sex! I just want to feel what its like to love, to have someone to call mine. Yet I'm stuck sitting here, daydreaming as always.


I snap out of my fantasy and see my bestfriend Rachel staring at me.

"Are you daydreaming again? Snap out of it we need to practice our dances and songs for this musical!"

Were both in a play right now called Hello Dolly. This is the second play we've been in, we were in Footlose last year. Rachel obviously got the lead role since her voice is simply angelic. I on the other hand got a smaller role but big enough to have a couple lines and actually be noticed on stage.

"Sorry, okay so page 28 I'm going to say" I look down at my script

"Really Kurt?! Were on page 89 where have you been!"

"What? I really need to stop dozing off into these fantasies"

Rachel rolls her eyes and asks

"What do you even think about? Your lover hugging you from behind? Taking every chance he has to kiss you and whispers in your ear 'your mine' as he grabs you by the waist to kiss even more?"

"Okay my daydreams are not that graphic let's just get back to work"

Well actually my daydreams are actually that graphic. I just dont want to seem desperate. Me and Rachel go back to rehearsing this really challenging dance step when Santana walks in. AKA a mean physco bitch AKA biggest hoe of theatre AKA monster whore AKA just ugh.

"Well, well, well its the hobbit who got the lead role in Hello Dolly which didn't really surprise me because you belt out a very unnecessary Celine Dion song everytime you and the biggest drag queen of the school frog faced hummel have a gay moment together, greetings."

"What do you want Santana" Rachel says as she walks away to check some set pieces.

"What I want? What I want is for you to stop dressing like you're going to bible study. What I want is for you to have at least one ounce of sexual appeal. And for god's sake what is up with those damn reindeer sweaters seriously."

"Dont even bother going to rehearsals if you're just gonna mock us." I said. I swear the bitch rehearses her insults before talking to us, she literally says them in one breath.

"I actually came here to talk to you." She comes to me and leads me out the theatre. Rachel rolls her eyes and shakes her head in annoyance as she goes back to practicing the dance. Me and Santana walk in the empty hallway.

"Okay let's keep this straight forward. Were in a play together which means we'll spend a lot of time together so I will try to be nice even though your broadway attitude annoys me to the point where i have to hold myself from screaming." She says.

"Um okay?"

"My friend likes you and by 'friend' I mean some gay guy who always watches you in the hallway. I went up to him and asked if he likes you and he just nodded and walked away. So being a lesbian and a supporter of the gays I want to help him get with you. Its a win/win! You get to fill your lonely hours with someone equally as lonely and you two can sing boring broadway ballads together in the privacy of your basement where no one can hear your abnormally high voices."

"Santana i dont even know this guy and FYI I'm not lonely." Oh yes I am!

"Oh puh-lease! Do you think the only person who sees you staring out the window with your mouth open is Rachel? We all know you're daydreaming about some guy who is willing to look past your weird choice of clothing and having no visible teeth when you open your mouth. Just give it a try! Plus he gave me 50 bucks to get you to talk to him."

Santana walks away and i get back in the theatre. We are going through the whole Act 1. Rachel asks me what Santana said.

"She just told me about this guy who liked me and who paid her 50 bucks to get me to talk to him. Its so silly whatever." I said

"What?! That's so cute! You should really talk to him! He must really like you if he paid her 50 bucks."

"Ehh i'll think about it."

We get in our positions and start the song.

"Call On Dolly!"

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